16 thoughts on “There’s a Sale on Kale!

  1. Luv Bunny July 28, 2019 / 8:27 am

    That is about a 5 minute supply. That bun bun will be hopping back quickly to get more fresh greens. Or, he/she can hop to my house and get a plateful, at a time.

    • Murray C. July 28, 2019 / 6:28 pm

      Did you know (I only found this out recently) that non-organic kale is right up there with strawberries and peaches as among the highest in pesticide residue foods? I have only been buying organic for my bunns since learning about this. I hope this little cutie is shopping wisely!

      • 6rabbits July 28, 2019 / 10:10 pm

        You are kidding! ๐ŸคจRecently have had to buy organic due to lack of non-organic and now Iโ€™m happy about that!๐Ÿ˜Š Thanks for the info!

  2. dubravkamcvmd July 28, 2019 / 8:47 am

    Awwwww! I would grocery shop in brick and mortar a lot more often if I was going to meet buns shopping there.

    • Dulcie July 28, 2019 / 12:15 pm

      How do you shop for groceries in a non-brick and mortar? Online and delivered? Just curious!

      • dubravkamcvmd July 28, 2019 / 12:24 pm

        Yes. I use Fresh Direct but I’m trying to get myself to switch to Amazon since it’s supposed to be better. I just have trouble facing up to learning a new site and what they have and don’t have etc.

        • kermit July 28, 2019 / 1:26 pm

          For non perishable stuff like dish soap, or actual produce?

          Given the varying quality of most produce in store, I wouldn’t trust an overworked and underpaid person to pick out quality items.

          And quite frankly, I try to avoid Amazon whenever possible. Having visited Whole Foods, it looks mostly like the sort of grocery store for rich people who don’t cook, and have no interest in learning.

          • allein ๐Ÿพ July 28, 2019 / 1:39 pm

            Yeah, I’d rather pick out produce myself. I’d consider delivery for packaged stuff and non-food items, but unless it’s delivered on the weekend I wouldn’t do it. I’m not home all day and my door is right at the top of the stairs. If I had a big box delivered my neighbors would be climbing over it to get in and out. (Usually I have packages delivered to my parents’ house since they’re home a lot more than I am.)

            • Dulcie July 28, 2019 / 3:01 pm

              I would so love to be free of the whole grocery shopping experience. Which is at odds with enjoying cooking and preparing food. I don’t see any way out of it if I want to create interesting and healthy meals.

          • dubravkamcvmd July 28, 2019 / 5:17 pm

            For everything, although for a good part of the year I shop for produce at a green market near me. It’s really large and has a good selection. And usually not for cheese, or for bread of course.

            The quality of the produce is often fine. If it’s not they bring more and cancel the charges. It’s not great but it’s acceptable.

  3. Lucy's Mom July 28, 2019 / 9:01 am

    Pretty adorable little guy. But he can have all the kale on planet Earth as far as I’m concerned. Yuck! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  4. AJ July 28, 2019 / 9:49 am

    It’s so fluffy!!! And adorbs. And he can come shop at my house anytime, I’ll make sure the fridge has bags and bags of kale plus other yummies.

  5. 6rabbits July 28, 2019 / 10:13 am

    Kale is Theo’s favorite green! That is definitely a just-5-minute supply!๐Ÿ˜ Last nite Theo did a huge bunny roll after finishing his kale. It makes him soooooo happy๐Ÿ’™.

  6. Ricky & Bibi's Mom July 28, 2019 / 10:37 am

    Never have I wanted to kiss a bunny face more. What a cutie! I love kale, but this bun-bun is welcome to have my share.

  7. allein ๐Ÿพ July 28, 2019 / 1:00 pm

    I really don’t have feelings one way or the other about kale…my mom made it once when I was there and it was okay. Never tried to make it myself. But I would get all the kale for this little bun,if I can pet him while he munches.

  8. Debg July 28, 2019 / 4:05 pm

    Gentle boop to that adorable nose! What a sweet face.

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