Baby Deer Blep!

Peeps, we have another reader photo today, featuring the tiniest deer tongue you’ve ever seen. Here’s reader Susan H. with the deets:

If “Tongue Out Tuesday” becomes a thing (and it totally should, IMHO), here’s a photo you can use. This is Maple, and she’s the fawn that was born in our landscaping last summer. I think she was about 2 months old in these photos. She’s almost 14 months old now, and she still comes to our yard a couple times a week. Her mama does, too, but usually at separate times. 🙂

deer and fawn
I’m razzing Mom, but trying to be subtle about it.

This calls for a… BLEP-HANCE!

**** BLEP! ****
You already voted!

14 thoughts on “Baby Deer Blep!

  1. JenDeyan July 30, 2019 / 12:45 pm

    Cutest blep ever!!!

  2. 6rabbits July 30, 2019 / 1:01 pm

    Good grief thats cute,😍

  3. dubravkamcvmd July 30, 2019 / 1:04 pm

    OH NO! The Cute is overwhelming! Maple has star quality.

  4. Emsthemonster July 30, 2019 / 1:38 pm

    Maple is gorgeous and tbh I also noticed how beautiful green grass they have. 🙂 May I bring my blanket to have some rest on it? 🙂
    Either it rains there more than just a few times/year or lots of watering?

    • SoccerSue July 30, 2019 / 3:36 pm

      It’s really more weeds and moss at this point than grass, but at least the weeds are green, lol! We’re in the Pacific NW, plus we have a sprinkler system so that helps. But you and your blanket are welcome any time. 🙂

  5. Dana July 30, 2019 / 1:47 pm


    • Luv Bunny July 30, 2019 / 3:22 pm

      Awwwww….. and more awwww…… too cute, both mama and baby Maple.

  6. N. Fritz July 30, 2019 / 2:56 pm

    another vote for “Tongue Out Tuesday”!

    • 6rabbits July 30, 2019 / 3:33 pm

      I vote for it!👍🏼

  7. SoccerSue July 30, 2019 / 3:38 pm

    Maple now has a boyfriend! She brought one of the young bucks to our yard a few days ago- I guess she wanted to show him her birthplace. 😛 Sigh…they grow up so fast…

  8. Amyliz July 30, 2019 / 3:51 pm

    What’s on Mama’s nose??? (And I love how Maple is gazing up at Mama!)

    • SoccerSue July 30, 2019 / 5:36 pm

      Cracked corn, or as we refer to it, “deer crack.” We’ve since learned that it isn’t the best for their health, so we now give them a mixture of other grains. Only occasionally, though; we want to make sure they aren’t dependent on us for food.

      • LupisLight July 30, 2019 / 6:09 pm

        We used to give our local does a little birdseed now and then. And if you were patient enough, they’d even eat it right out of your hand! These days they don’t come to our yard as much, but we’ve seen them around.

  9. Clairdelune October 15, 2019 / 11:23 am

    Maple is painfully cute!!! Lucky you, to live in such a place. A couple of winters ago we found two sets of deer hoof prints in the snow in our backyard, we were all so excited… shortly after, developers cut down all the trees and built another group of houses.. a large expanse of cement… most night critters that used to visit are gone. 🙁

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