Weekend Open Thread

Happy Caturday! Today’s conversation cat is Vinnie from reader Tara O., by request of reader Jendeyan. Here’s Tara to walk us through the photos:

First (Vinny on the back of the chair), is about four and a tank of a cat. He was an ornery cuss, totally unpredictable. You couldn’t get near him, or you could pet him for a few minutes and then get swiped.

Yeah, that arm was made for whapping.

Second (Vinny on the Table) fifteen years on, making our Vin 19! he’s lost his bulk, but with it all his aggression. He is now the biggest love bug. Here he is in my face confused as to why I have anything else to occupy my attention other than him.

Don’t kid yourself, I’ve still got a few whaps left.
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20 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. Lucy's Mom August 10, 2019 / 8:29 am

    Vinny lost his bulk and all his aggression? Sounds like somebody got caught up in using steroids. 😋

    In any case, Vinny is such a handsome little sweetheart! 💕

  2. N. Fritz August 10, 2019 / 8:58 am

    Welcome Vinny/Vinnie! I love the expression older cats have, the one that says “I have seen things…” lol!

    I finally made it to my happy place – the North Shore of Lake Superior. This morning, Yoga on the Rooftop is on tap – a fitting turn of phrase, because “Pints and Poses” is sponsored by a local brewery overlooking the harbor!

    Happy Caturday, y’all!

  3. Gigi_the cat lady August 10, 2019 / 9:33 am

    Bulk or not, Vinny is still a beautiful boy at 19!

    The heat wave as finally broken here and it’s actually cool this morning, it’s only 15C (59F) at the moment and it’s suppose to go up only to 20C (68F) this afternoon, I may wear jeans for the first time in 2 months!

    Later we are picking-up my mother in law from the assisted living/group home place she is living at now and going to a pizza lunch (her choice) at my sister in law for my brother in law’s birthday.

    I wish every one a happy and safe weekend.

  4. allein 🐾 August 10, 2019 / 10:42 am

    Good morning Vinny! Welcome to Caturday!

    Today I have my friend’s daughter’s birthday party; she turned 7 yesterday! It’s supposed to be in the mid 80s but not too humid so it should be nice.

    Meanwhile, mustache puppy made it to Late Night! (+ bats on a plane!)

  5. Murray C. August 10, 2019 / 11:20 am

    Vinny is a handsome lad and glad he turned into a cuddler.

    Glad to hear of the change in the weather – here, too, in the SE corner of Pennsylvania, it’s a bit cooler and less humid. I’m about to venture out into the way-too-overgrown garden and try to make sense of it all. N. Fritz – you’re in the states? Hadn’t realized – I’m having a bit of difficulty keeping up with all the various goings on here. I always feel like I’m lagging in either the congratulations or condolences departments, so I issue a general supportive remark to all of you who are either having a wonderful or a less than wonderful time of it. You’re a great bunch.

    • N. Fritz August 10, 2019 / 4:45 pm

      Yes, Murray, I’m temporarily back in the States (til end of August). visiting my folks and soaking up energy for next school year!

  6. Tara August 10, 2019 / 11:33 am

    Aw, Vinny! Thanks for posting him Mr. Mike! And yes, the Love Bug does still have a few whaps left. They are usually reserved for little people who scare Mr. Vinny with their unpredictability. Vinny also like to take showers…. 🙂 He is a character.

    Happy Saturday All. I’ve returned home to find that in one week a neighbor behind me has added a third story to his house. 🙁 What a shock. It blocks my “vista.” But there’s nothing to be done. I’m spending the day acclimating to the humidity. California was a lovely 26%, now we’ve got something like 56%. My kitties are happy I’m home and are hanging out with me. I have to tackle the yard and deal with other small house things. We got a nice sized watermelon in our farm share and I think I’ll make watermelon pickles again. Made them last year and I’m almost out.

    Hoping everyone is having a pleasant Saturday afternoon! N. Fritz I’m a little envious of your morning rooftop yoga. Sounds heavenly.

  7. Duckie 🐥 August 10, 2019 / 11:57 am

    Happy Caturday.
    Third day of cooler weather, second day of (insert curse here) airshow. I used to enjoy the airshow, but now it’s just noise.
    Weight loss slow but steady. Still on wrong side of 200lbs, but I’m so close now I can visualize it. Still plenty of prednisone weight to lose, but I can see a difference.
    This past week was a bit difficult for me. Family issues led to comfort eating (VERY bad), but hubby was incredibly supportive. I’m back in control, and hope things will improve.
    My doctor has decreased the frequency of my blood tests from every other week down to every three months. I think that means my remission has stabilized.
    My favourite time of year is just starting now. The day the sun sets at 8pm, I am allowed to open the box where I have hidden my stash of after-Easter-sale chocolates. It’s to reward myself for surviving another summer.
    This coming week will be full of ups and downs, but we are prepared for them. I’m waiting for a family friend’s cancer diagnosis, and hubby’s full time pay cheque will kick in. Things like that.
    Hubby has gone blackberry picking, and we are going to try to make wine this fall.
    We are going to get me “tested” to see if I can cope with cat fur, given my breathing problems, and if I can, start the process for me getting a therapy cat. Hubby wants a Maine Coon. I’m thinking Siamese cross. We both know that, if a stray presents itself, we will scoop it up and love it.
    Vinnie looks very solid, Tara. When he wants loving, I bet you have no choice.
    Have a great weekend, everyone, and a fantastic week to follow.
    PS I found a website called Redbubble. Gorgeous stuff!

    • Dulcie August 11, 2019 / 4:32 pm

      One day at a time as they say, Duckie. 💕
      Cats can be very therapeutic (as if we need to be reminded).

      • Dulcie August 11, 2019 / 4:36 pm

        Oh my yes that Redbubble site is great. Saw a t-shirt with two crows on a line with the saying underneath “Attempted Murder”…🤣🤣

  8. allein 🐾 August 10, 2019 / 1:01 pm

    Off to party, but I’ll leave you with this.

    • Alice Shortcake August 10, 2019 / 4:16 pm

      That’s the cutest bat I’ve ever seen, and I’ve seen some cute bats in my time!

      Fellow Cutetropolitans, I’m facing a catastrophe of earth-shaking proportions. THE LOCAL FISH AND CHIP SHOP WILL BE CLOSED FOR THREE WEEKS!!! How can we exist without a fish supper on Saturday night?!

      The good news is that my dad continues to improve and is eating like a horse (but not fish and chips). Also, I’ve finished the pantomime book – all I have to do now is to add a few notes explaining obscure references and find some copyright-free illustrations.

    • dubravkamcvmd August 10, 2019 / 4:29 pm

      This baby is so cute, so adorable, so touching…all i can do is sputter.

    • Smartypants August 10, 2019 / 6:18 pm

      I love how battie wraps himself up in his wings – “Don’t peek, I’m naked!”

    • Murray C. August 10, 2019 / 6:25 pm

      Oh, my goodness, his hands are so big for such a little fella. So endearing.

      Alice, good job on yet another book. I have to save my pennies to get copies of some of them – I hope they’re selling like hotcakes. (I have a friend who used to say his albums sold like warm cakes)

  9. dgerish August 10, 2019 / 7:03 pm

    I’m late to the party because it took several hours for Windows 10 to load its updates.

    Vinny is beatiful and wonderful! What a handsome fellow!

    Good news about Alice’s dad, Duckie’s weight loss, and N. Fritz’s yoga. Everybody who was suffering from heat and humidity must be relieved! We rarely have humidity here but it hasn’t even reached 90 today, which feels like a vacation.

    I’m back to a regular exercise regimen and it really does feel great. Unfortunately, it leaves less time for relaxing in front of the TV with my knitting or spinning unless I stay up too late (which I’ve been doing). I do need all the relaxation I can get as we gear up for a weekend-long event at work in mid September. Eeeek–it’s right around the corner!

  10. allein 🐾 August 11, 2019 / 2:13 pm

    this explains so much…

  11. fkaWaldenPond August 11, 2019 / 9:25 pm

    Ahhh! Vinny was a handsome young man and is now a very distinguished older gent who I would love to have a good snorgle with.

  12. Smartypants August 11, 2019 / 11:14 pm

    A handsome cat at both ages!

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