Missed Connections

Me: Dog, light tan fur and floppy ears, standing at the window of Java Junkies Coffee Conspiracy. You: Also dog, brown fur and pointy ears, looking back at me from the soft toy and jigsaw puzzle section of We Used To Sell Books, Inc. If you want to meet, drag your human to FiDough Biscuit Barkery this weekend and I’ll treat you to treats.

dog at window
Just a casual introduction — no butt-sniffing. (Reddit)
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12 thoughts on “Missed Connections

  1. allein 🐾 August 12, 2019 / 2:20 pm

    “We Used To Sell Books, Inc.”


    • dubravkamcvmd August 12, 2019 / 2:31 pm

      I just copied that very phrase and was going to post it exactly as you did!

      • allein 🐾 August 12, 2019 / 2:41 pm

        Gee, I wonder what real-world companies this post might represent.

        • Ricky & Bibi's Mom August 12, 2019 / 3:50 pm

          Cheering over here in the back!

  2. Dulcie August 12, 2019 / 2:55 pm

    I like FiDough too! 😁

  3. debg August 12, 2019 / 3:15 pm

    Our eyes met across a crowded commercial space . . .

    • fkaWaldenPond August 12, 2019 / 4:26 pm

      Ok Debg (or was it Murray C?), as I know we both love this song… all together now!

      • Murray C. August 12, 2019 / 4:56 pm

        Sam and Janet Evening – while I do love this song, I think it may have been DEBG since I don’t remember having a conversation about it. The other song I love from this show is “You’ve Got to be Carefully Taught”.

        • fkaWaldenPond August 12, 2019 / 10:06 pm

          It was you Murray C! Yes, I had never heard of the corny joke Mike dropped of ‘Sam and Janet Evening,’ and you kindly, patiently had to explain that it was an oldie but goodie,a well known one and I ‘had to be carefully taught’ of such things. πŸ˜‰ (This being a much better lesson than racism.)

          At that time you expressed how you always loved the song. Me too. Sooo, now that I have confirmed it was you– I will always nod to you when I hear this soundtrack.

      • debg August 12, 2019 / 8:01 pm

        It was not me. I don’t care for musicals. But I appreciate the thought!

  4. Juno August 12, 2019 / 4:24 pm

    Jack the Big Fat Orange Cat saw a cat outside the window yesterday. But as we all know, cats and dogs are very different. Jack’s reaction was to puff up his tail, hiss, and RUN AWAY! RUN AWAY! (Because, you know, he wants that other cat to think he’s very big and fierce . . . but not actually test him on that.)

  5. Hilda August 12, 2019 / 4:35 pm

    β€œNo butt sniffing.”

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