(Ugh, she knows I don’t like it when she reaches across my sink. I mean, look at that arm, it’s so tempting. I could get in a solid whap, maybe even a bite, but is that really who I am? Can I be the bigger one here, maybe set an example? It’s like there’s no right answer.)
Reader Muppet2171 is tempting fate with Teller.
Nah, whap it. You know you wanna.
Always a sucker for a seal point
Note to self: stop tempting the cat.
Dammit, you go into the bathroom with your arm exposed, all pink and soft and tempting, instead of wearing a deep sea diving suit or a bee-keeping outfit…you’re just asking for the Thwap of Annoyance or the Needle Sharp Fangs of Rage!
You *thought* you were going to brush your teeth.
Try brushing hers and the sink may suddenly clear. Or you may suddenly bleed.