14 thoughts on “Hot Tub Tabby

  1. Lois aka Flowerfanatic September 12, 2019 / 10:44 am

    I didn’t know they could fold their little arm in that kind of pose. ADORBS!! It looks so relaxed. Never had a kitty do that. Drat!!

    • Laura September 12, 2019 / 10:55 am

      How absolutely adorable!

      To briefly hijack the comments, Melody saw the oncologist about her bone cancer, and she got an infusion that same day of a drug that helps rebuild bone. So with medical management, we should be able to keep her comfortable and happy for several months.

      This is wonderful news for us all, even our regular vet, who knew nothing about the drug used in the infusion. Melody is responding to it beautifully, too, so we may be able to start her on another drug that sometimes shrinks lung nodules. So she still doesn’t have a lot of time left, but it’s a lot more than we had feared!

      • allein 🐾 September 12, 2019 / 10:57 am

        Aw, glad you get some more time with her than you thought!

      • Ricky & Bibi's Mom September 12, 2019 / 11:15 am

        I am so happy that you will be able to spend more time with Melody while keeping her more comfortable! That is lovely news.

      • AJ September 12, 2019 / 11:17 am

        Always like hearing some good news!! Here’s to a few more days with Miss Melody 🥂.

      • Laura September 12, 2019 / 11:20 am

        Thanks, guys. It still won’t be long enough, but our pets never have long enough with us, do they? So we’re very happy for the extra time.

      • Lucy's Mom September 12, 2019 / 11:22 am

        I’m so happy to hear this! I’ve been keeping Melody the Greyhound in my daily prayers and I will continue to do so. I know you will cherish every moment you have left with her.

        I’m a sucker for that elbow pose. It just cracks me up every time.

      • Luv Bunny September 12, 2019 / 12:07 pm

        So glad to hear you and your husband will have extra time with Melody, and that she will be comfortable. I’m sure you’ll treasure every extra day spoiling and loving her.

      • dubravkamcvmd September 12, 2019 / 12:12 pm

        Wonderful news! A longer life AND feeling better!

        • Dulcie September 12, 2019 / 10:40 pm

          Yes excellent news Laura. It will be worth it!

  2. allein 🐾 September 12, 2019 / 10:54 am

    Needs a bigger tub so I can join him.

  3. AJ September 12, 2019 / 11:19 am

    Throw in some Alka Seltzer, snerk. What a beautiful kitty, s/he can come sit with me anywhere anytime.

  4. allein 🐾 September 12, 2019 / 11:21 am

    Going back to the other day’s Loon video…at work the copy room at the other end of the office is also known as the free book room; I go to a weekly meeting down there and always peek in to see if there’s anything new (it’s been a while since there was anything worth snagging, sadly). Today there was this book:

  5. Pam S. September 12, 2019 / 3:34 pm


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