6 thoughts on “Floof Goof

  1. allein 🐾 September 13, 2019 / 9:38 am

    Aw, poor Enid. All those other girls and their perky ears. Don’t let them make you feel bad about yourself!

  2. Lucy's Mom September 13, 2019 / 10:38 am

    Enid, sweetie, dontcha know that flat hair is the new floofy? You look maaahvelous! 😀

  3. debg September 13, 2019 / 12:31 pm

    The big hair dogs still have 80s hairstyles, Enid! You’re the cutting edge!

    • AJ September 13, 2019 / 1:51 pm

      Remember the higher the hair, the closer to God! And we all want what we don’t have. Everyone always told me, oh I’d love to have your waves and curls. I’d look at them and go oh no you don’t. The frizz, the tangles, the hair that goes everywhere but where you want it to, the almost bad hair days that would happen without a ton of gel. I would have loved to have long, straight hair that you’d style and it stays that way.

      • allein 🐾 September 13, 2019 / 1:57 pm

        And as someone with long, (mostly) straight hair, I can tell you that unless that style is “firmly twisted up in a clip or something” or “intentionally left down and loose,” it does not stay that way. (Today my hair is in the former style.)

        • Laura September 13, 2019 / 4:19 pm

          Amen, Allein. Except I can’t even use clips or most stretchy hair bands. I finally found one type that doesn’t start slipping out of my hair in 5 minutes. Long straight hair is just as big a nuisance as wavy/curly hair.

          But Enid is lovely! She has those beautiful long ears that the other dogs can only envy, after all!

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