Snake Surprise

To survive, orangutans must learn to be scared

For people, a fake snake can be a funny joke, but for these orangutans being raised in a Orangutan Jungle School, it’s a vital lesson in fear. You see, orangutans aren’t naturally afraid of snakes; they have to be taught or they could be at risk when released into the wild. That’s when the old rubber-snake-under-the-blanket trick comes in handy. One look, and the students retreat into a group hug, which somehow protects them by… erm… Look, it’s their first lesson, okay?

They’ll get the hang of it, Andrew Y.

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5 thoughts on “Snake Surprise

  1. Lucy's Mom October 2, 2019 / 10:34 am

    After dogs, orangutans are my favorite animal in the whole world. My heart just melts every time I see them, especially the babies (nearly all of these little guys have probably been orphaned, which is why the humans have to teach these lessons instead of their mamas). ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  2. dubravkamcvmd October 2, 2019 / 11:00 am

    The group hug is just too much.

  3. allein 🐾 October 2, 2019 / 5:30 pm

    Can I join the group hug?

  4. Laura October 2, 2019 / 11:16 pm

    This is a whole TV series about orangutan jungle school. The whole thing is this adorable, trust me!

  5. Firstname Lastname October 3, 2019 / 4:12 am

    How much did they pay the snake?

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