Weekend Open Thread

Welcome! We’re enjoying a cozy Caturday with reader Squiddy’s two cuddlebugs who fill the room with warmth and love: “I have never had pets who love each other as much as Bertie and Cheshire. Every moment they are not chasing and wrestling, they are snuggling together.”

cats cuddle
“Sweet little love muffins!”

cats cuddling
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87 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. dubravkamcvmd October 26, 2019 / 8:20 am

    I wish I was in the middle of that.

  2. AJ October 26, 2019 / 9:06 am

    What cutie pies!

    Nothing exciting going on here this weekend just lots of errands and running around. Probably spend the afternoon finishing up the Halloween set up. Depends on how hot it gets as SoCal has been an oven, like in the 90s, this week. Gotta love Santa Ana winds. Thankfully I think the weather will cool off starting tomorrow. Have a good weekend everyone!

  3. phredsmom October 26, 2019 / 10:34 am

    Saw orthopedic doctor yesterday re my shredded tendon. She was quite thorough and recommended I start with orthopedic shoes ( ugh, it’s come to what we used to call
    “ground grippers”) and we will shop for those delights Monday. Hey, if they help my
    walking, I can deal with them. My glamor days, such as they were, are long past.

    We will transition to the down comforter tonight, wrestling it
    into a new cover, which should take some effort.

    • dubravkamcvmd October 26, 2019 / 10:39 am

      Dr. Martens are still (or back) in style so don’t worry about orthopedic shoes!

    • Murray c. October 26, 2019 / 6:57 pm

      I wear Drews and I don’t even need orthopedic shoes! sorry you’re suffering!

      • phredsmom October 27, 2019 / 10:28 am

        We both know and love Hotters, Murray. They are very good indeed.
        How is hubster doing these days, by the bye?

    • Laura October 26, 2019 / 7:37 pm

      There are some very comfortable and supportive shoes these days that aren’t complete clunkers. Check out Fitflop, for example — they make shoes with fantastically lightweight soles but they offer better foot support than any other shoe I’ve ever put on. And yet it doesn’t even feel like I’ve got anything on my feet! There are also other brands, like ABEO, that make attractive but very supportive shoes. They don’t have to look like the clodhoppers of earlier generations to be supportive shoes these day!

    • fkaWaldenpond October 26, 2019 / 8:30 pm

      Phredsmom, I’m with Dubra & Laura- (not familiar with Drews Murray). I remember all too well when I retired the Converse because they don’t provide enough arch support… *middle aged woman sigh* Anyway, I still wear heels for at work and ‘out’ but commute, casual Fridays, everything else all comfort. I am obsessed with Fitflop– like I have a ‘problem’ when it comes to Fitflop. ( I ordered the Rally maroon croc sneakers last night– told you I had a ‘problem.’ 😉 They have a much better style range online than what is offered in the department stores– but this is good as you can determine your size in the department store and then order the style you want online. They use all the same size foot mold.
      And Dubra, gah! I love the plaid Doc Martins.
      Oh and gents! Fitflop has men’s as well.

      Btw Phredsmom, you have peaked my interest in Pennsylvania in the fall… history, woodlands… may be a good idea for next year. Thank you!

      • Laura October 26, 2019 / 9:29 pm

        I have a “problem” with Fitflop, too, FKAWaldenPond. I just bought myself a second pair of the Artknit Ballet Flats because they are actually the single most comfortable pair of shoes I have ever worn in my LIFE, and they were on sale, so why not add another pair? I’m now waiting for the all-black style to get marked down a bit more; it’s still too expensive for my current budget.

        That’s another thing I love about them — they put things on AMAZING sales. I’ve got several pairs of their sandals (which I wear 8 months of the year) that were $120 new that I paid about $30-$40 for. When they mark things down, they are serious! And then they’ll give you percentages off their sale prices, which is tremendous.

        They have everything from sandals to sneakers to boots, and everything in between. No spike heels, though. No heels at all, really. But their shoes are so cute, who cares? And they are SO COMFORTABLE! I’ve only paid full price for one pair, too, which my husband appreciates! (But they lasted me for several years, so they were well worth it.) Wonderful shoes! And as their ads point out regularly, Uma Thurman wears them, if you care!

        • fkaWaldenPond October 26, 2019 / 11:02 pm

          Right??!! I usually only purchase on sale too but I have small feet so if I see a pair I am biting my palm about….. 😀 Phew. I am not alone.

          • Laura October 26, 2019 / 11:20 pm

            I actually broke down and bought a pair of Minnetonka ankle boots that I just coveted from the moment I saw them — brand new style, full price. Gulp! But I so seldom pay full price for shoes that I don’t feel that guilty; and the boots weren’t all that expensive, anyway. I’ve been loving Minnetonka moccasin slippers for years, so this is a new experiment for me. A successful one, I think.

            • fkaWaldenPond October 26, 2019 / 11:35 pm

              Ohhh… I support your ‘break down’. I bet they are gorgeous!

              • Laura October 26, 2019 / 11:41 pm

                I appreciate the support! I can’t wear heels any more, and I need good arch support, and it’s so darned hot here most of the year that I could only talk myself into these boots because they’re unlined and only ankle high. I’d love to wear full boots again, but I’d cook! So if it ever cools off (it’s still nearly 90 every day, grr!), I’ll get to try them out. I’m still wearing sandals, alas. It’s nearly November, for crying out loud! We deserve a LITTLE fall weather!

      • phredsmom October 27, 2019 / 10:30 am

        FKA, stop by, we will give you a nice tour of Bucks County when you come.

        • fkaWaldenPond October 27, 2019 / 6:28 pm

          Thank you for the kind offer. 🙂

      • Dulcie October 27, 2019 / 5:24 pm

        So is this just an online business?

        • fkaWaldenPond October 27, 2019 / 6:24 pm

          Dulcie, do you mean Fitflop is only an online business? No–they have them here in Canada at Hudson’s Bay department stores and I know in the States they have them at Nordstrom. Here is the trick though– if you don’t want to purchase at the full price department store price, go in to one regardless and try them on and determine what size you are. Then, if you go online they have huge sales along with an outlet section. You simply order your size that you determined at the store. I take a size 5 constant at fitflop. Does that make sense?

          • allein 🐾 October 27, 2019 / 6:42 pm

            I’ll have to go check out Nordstrom, then…

            • Laura October 27, 2019 / 8:23 pm

              Their sizing is pretty consistent, so once you find their size, even though they have several mildly different soles, the sizes are consistent enough you’re all set to order online. And they do have just about the best sales I’ve seen. I even got a pair recently from the online deep discounter Zulily, so I paid even less than FitFlop’s own low low price. They’re available all over online, so if you find a pair you like, shop around; you may be surprised at the variety of prices you can find for the exact same shoes.

              • allein 🐾 October 27, 2019 / 9:02 pm

                The price on Nordstrom’s website is 40% off, actually. It says the store near me has 8.5, but not 9. Most shoes I wear a 9, so we’ll see.

          • Dulcie October 27, 2019 / 10:23 pm

            Yes FKAwaldenpond, perfectly thanks! I can try them on at the store but get them for better price on line. I have not been much of a shoe shopper recently – probably why I never noticed them at the Bay.

  4. 6rabbits October 26, 2019 / 10:48 am

    Ooooo…such sweet kittehs!!😍

  5. N. Fritz October 26, 2019 / 11:18 am

    Hello Everybodee (Kermit the Frog voice)!

    I was doing great this holiday weekend in Austria until about 15 minutes ago when I got up to get my computer to skype with one of my best friends on her birthday and “thud” *crack* I think I broke my toe on the bed post. Guess I’m not going dancing tonight!

    But a bit of good news this week… I am now the proud sponsor of an Alaskan sled dog named Emmy! Here’s a link to her story and the announcement: https://ataokennel.com/emmy/

    So ups and downs this weekend. Like it should be… happy Caturday!

    • phredsmom October 26, 2019 / 11:21 am

      Hope you’ve not broken your piggie. Don’t want anything to hold you back from
      enjoying the weekend you deserve after hard work.

    • Debg October 26, 2019 / 11:22 am

      Sorry about the toe and so happy about Emmy! Her story is heartwarming. Who doesn’t like a good butt scratch indeed!!

    • N. Fritz October 26, 2019 / 11:27 am

      Thanks Phredsmom and DebG. I have it elevated and iced. We’ll see what shade of purple it is in the morning (my favorite color!). And I am delighted to be paired with Emmy. Her musher Will is training for the Yukon Quest 300 in February. Can’t wait till mushing season!

      • allein 🐾 October 26, 2019 / 11:39 am

        Ouch! I once (probably) broke my little toe, accidentally kicking a kitchen chair in the dark. The night before I had to drive four hours to a wedding in Pennsylvannia. By myself. On my right foot, of course. At least it turned a shade of purple that matched some of the flowers on my dress…

        • phredsmom October 26, 2019 / 12:14 pm

          Oh, no! Hope your pain is minimal and short-lived, Allein, and that you had a good time at the wedding. Driving alone in the dark is scary enough without a bad toe as well.

          • allein 🐾 October 26, 2019 / 12:24 pm

            Oh, this was years ago. And I wasn’t driving in the dark; just got up in the dark the night before for whatever reason and didn’t want to turn on the light. Forgot about the chair in the corner. (The wedding was lovely. The marriage, not so much, unfortunately, but that, too, was years ago, now.)

    • Dulcie October 26, 2019 / 4:02 pm

      Ouch!! Toe stubs are the absolute worst!!

  6. phredsmom October 26, 2019 / 11:19 am

    Got the down comforter into position. Whew! Once the nighttime temps drop into the
    thirties, it’s down time! Cozy. I do like the transition into Autumn and Winter, cocooning.
    Wearing wool sweaters and knee socks. Watching the leaves change. New England gets
    the big PR for Fall foliage, but here in Pennsylvania we have some pretty spectacular
    woodlands, esp. here in Bucks County. Come visit, tourists, we will take you around
    with pleasure. Lots of history, from the Revolution through the Underground Railroad
    and on, plus some wonderful food.

    • Dulcie October 26, 2019 / 4:07 pm

      In this world of hands free parking, instant banking, and all manner of high tech gadgets and virtual realities why can’t we find a way to put our quilt and duvet covers on in under an hour??? The struggle is real!

  7. Debg October 26, 2019 / 11:19 am

    I’ve been hoping for a visit from Cheshire and Bertie! Squiddy, I’m so glad they’re filling your home with loving snuggles.

    Trying to unwind after a stressful week. I had 3 new windows installed on Tuesday, replacing drafty ones from 1949 with hideous aluminum storms. The new ones are so gorgeous, I didn’t want to put curtains back up! But it was not an easy thing: making space in the rooms for the workman, corralling all the cats in the kitty quarantine zone, and then worrying that Fred Weasleycat might have escaped through an unfilled window space. (He didn’t–he was hiding in the closet the whole time.) Also talked about other much-needed repairs that day, and they made me such a good offer on financing, I couldn’t say no. Especially since the repairs are much needed! So in February, I’ll replace the rest of the windows, the drafty outside door in my bedroom, the soffits that don’t actually let in air to the attic. I’ll also replace the gutter system that has been completely inadequate at moving water away from the foundations. Hopefully all these upgrades will increase the home’s value. The windows have a lifetime *tranferrable* warranty, which is extraordinary.

    Today I’m cuddling with kitties, trying to win their forgiveness for all the upheaval. They had a rough day. George was crying to get out of the quarantine room on Tuesday morning until the workman showed up. Then he huddled under the covers on the day bed until said workman left. Poor guy.

    Baby steps of progress with Scorpius–he actually sniffed my finger last night! He let me get close enough without running away!

    Happy day, all. AJ, hope you’re staying safe from the wildfires.

    • phredsmom October 26, 2019 / 11:26 am

      Smart moves, Deb. A friend once described the payments for improvements as taking money from one pocket and putting it into another. Looking at the cost this way helps to ease the pain of the payment. Not only will your home’s value rise, you will be happier and more comfortable in it. Win-win.

      • Debg October 26, 2019 / 1:16 pm

        Exactly! Many people wait to do improvements until they’re putting the house on the market. I say, do it now! Enjoy the improvements as long as you can before selling.

    • N. Fritz October 26, 2019 / 11:37 am

      DebG, you and my parents must live in the same home improvement cycle… They got new windows this week, a new stoop, and are fixin’ to install the new front door that’s been in the garage since January! They did not have to wrangle cats though! you must be superwoman!

    • Laura October 26, 2019 / 2:45 pm

      We got new windows a couple years ago and our AC bills promptly dropped by at least 25%. And since we’re in hurricane country, we got the nearest storm shutters — instead of the standard solid metal, which turns your house into a cave, they’re made from a Kevlar fabric! We store them until needed, and then they just go on the windows with long screws that are mounted around the frame. And they let light through.

      Ever since he spent over 20 years in the Western Pacific, my husband has a storm standard of 250-mph coconuts hitting the windows. So if we ever have another Andrew, I guess we’ll be fine as long as the roof stays on!

  8. Alice Shortcake October 26, 2019 / 11:28 am

    *reaches through screen to boop noses*

    At long last my “Golden Age of Pantomime” book has been successfully uploaded and the print version will be available to buy on 18th November (the ebook will be coming shortly afterwards). All my other books will soon be available in both print and ebook versions.

    *wipes sweat from brow*

    I’ve spent the last few days finishing some articles I hope will be accepted for publication in the two publications of the Oscar Wilde Society, choosing plants and seeds for next summer’s garden, and making a start on the artwork I plan to use in a projected collection of my poems based on English folklore and legends.

    Oh, and I made an interesting discovery in my family tree – it appears that I’m distantly related to the Butterfield family, originally from Haworth, who made a fortune in the wool trade and transformed an already impressive mansion into a bizarre neo-Gothic pile known as Cliffe Castle, now an art gallery and museum. It’s within reasonable travelling distance so I may pay a visit in the near future. A member of the family married Mary Roosevelt Burke, cousin of President Theodore Roosevelt. To give you an idea of how distant the relationship is, Roosevelt was the “first cousin 1 x removed of wife of grand-nephew of husband of 5th great-aunt”!

    • Debg October 26, 2019 / 1:14 pm

      Alice, congrats on your book!

      I may have visited the museum in Cliffe Castle once upon a time. Or at least, an intriguing museum in York, which is my second-fave city in Britain. I remember an impressive display of chamber pots in one room.

      • Alice Shortcake October 26, 2019 / 3:26 pm

        That sounds like the Castle Museum in York, next to Clifford’s Tower. I haven’t been there for years even though it’s within walking distance of my house.

        • Dulcie October 26, 2019 / 4:11 pm

          Yes Alice, an amazing accomplishment! Congrats on the book.

          • Alice Shortcake October 26, 2019 / 4:31 pm

            Thanks! It’s been part of my life for about four years, off and on, so it still feels a bit strange not to be doing research for it…

            • Dulcie October 26, 2019 / 6:00 pm

              Your “child” has left home…

    • Murray C. October 26, 2019 / 7:03 pm

      I told my husband that I wanted to buy some books as a birthday present and while he balked a bit (he said “aren’t we supposed to be getting RID of stuff?) I said I’d gotten rid of tons of books. I’m hoping that at least one, may be two, will be yours, Alice. The Panto book sounds very intriguing so I’ll wait until I know it’s out. YAY!

      • Alice Shortcake October 27, 2019 / 3:57 am

        A POTENTIAL CUSTOMER! To be honest, unless you’re already interested in panto I’d recommend one (or more) of the others instead.

        • Murray C. October 29, 2019 / 12:30 am

          I am interested in Panto – and I’m also interested in Music Hall since I performed with a group for over 30 years. They all sound so delightful I’m going to have a hard time choosing, but finances will prevent my ability to get more than two at this juncture.😊

    • phredsmom October 27, 2019 / 10:36 am

      Congrats, Alice. Quite an accomplishment. Good on you!

  9. Jan B. October 26, 2019 / 11:31 am

    Cuddle puddle! 💕💕💕

    Been a fairly good week, slowly getting back into the groove of working full time. Dislike the commute, plus it’s been worse this week with all the flooding in the area. The high water doesn’t affect me, but so many people have to re-route around it, that it doubles the number of cars on an already over trafficked road. Theoretically I can retire at the end of next year and boy I can’t wait!

    Bonus Lily ‘tocks! Because you can never have too much….
    2019-10-20 12 57 29

    • Jan B. October 26, 2019 / 11:34 am

      (This was a full on gold-medal dive into warm towels just out of the dryer….)

      • Faye October 26, 2019 / 12:03 pm


      • Debg October 26, 2019 / 1:17 pm

        Lily is a champion! And such tocks.

      • Laura October 26, 2019 / 6:27 pm

        Can I join her? Sounds great!

      • Jan B. October 26, 2019 / 6:14 pm

        Saucy is the perfect word to describe her!

  10. Duckie 🐥 October 26, 2019 / 11:47 am


    • allein 🐾 October 26, 2019 / 11:52 am

      Turkey Lurkey Time?

      • Ricky & Bibi's Mom October 26, 2019 / 12:22 pm

        Promises, Promises! I recognized Donna McKechnie and Baayork Lee even in that fuzzy video. 🙂 (The other dancer is Margo Sappington, but I had to look that up.)

    • Faye October 26, 2019 / 12:04 pm

      Tiny hello.

  11. Faye October 26, 2019 / 12:17 pm

    Hello everyone!

    Today’s agenda includes putting a rollator together and learning how to open it then fold it to fit in car. I have a Gem and Mineral Show to go to tomorrow with a friend. My back is improving but I want to be able to sit down if needed. Less anxiety about navigating the show more anxiety about getting the darn thing out of car etc.

    Anywho Mike helped me to share recent artwork here. Title: Propagation Of Indifference. It’s about my mother’s Indifference to my father’s verbal abuse. The setting is our living room. All versions of me are depicted with the most mature and vivid Faye opening the door to get out. She is bathed in sunlight. The eye looking through the open door is my Doctor. My witness. Good healthy progress on many levels!

    I’m thrilled with this psychologically and artistically. Ink and colored pencils.

    • Faye October 26, 2019 / 12:19 pm

      P.s. kitty pile is delicious. Pets are soooo important.

    • Duckie 🐥 October 26, 2019 / 12:23 pm

      Faye, that picture has a lot of power in it, all yours.

      Re: lurk. I’m hiding under my covers.

      • Faye October 26, 2019 / 1:20 pm

        Thank you Duckie! I appreciate the delurking!
        Yup. The parents and versions are fading! Almost out the door. 😀🐥💕

    • Debg October 26, 2019 / 1:19 pm

      Faye, your ability to find healing in creation always impresses me. What a powerful piece, and what an amazing superpower.

      • Faye October 26, 2019 / 4:08 pm

        Thank you! It’s been an amazing experience.

        • Dulcie October 26, 2019 / 4:20 pm

          It is so good that you see it as an amazing experience. It certainly has helped you attain an amazing milestone in personal growth and development. Your artwork is not only exceptional in the creative talent sense, and therapeutic for you, but also for others who gaze upon it. What a valuable tool to possess! And such a worthwhile contribution.

          • Faye October 26, 2019 / 7:03 pm

            🤗. Blushing. Thank you.

    • dubravkamcvmd October 26, 2019 / 1:43 pm

      Thank you for the explication. The piece has beauty, power and clarity. Your happiness is totally justified.

      • Faye October 26, 2019 / 4:10 pm

        Thank you. I am, indeed, becoming happy.

        • Murray C. October 26, 2019 / 7:07 pm

          Happy for your progress, Faye, and being able to clearly state it in your art – Congratulations!

  12. Laura October 26, 2019 / 3:03 pm

    Faye, your artwork has really evolved as you’ve found healing. Congratulations on coming so far!

    Sorry about the toe, Fritz. I’ve come close to that, and had a stress fracture on the top of my foot once, and I can attest that feet HURT. Far more than they should!

    Congrats on the new book, Alice! You are so talented!

    We’ve been settling down with Yoofi, who is a total goofball! She is full of enthusiasm and eagerness and can b almost TOO eager. She is also a licker. We don’t mind hands being licked, but nobody in this family can stand to be licked above the neck. When my husband takes his socks off, she tries to “help” and licks his ear. His reaction is great!

    She also ADORES Sebastian, which is just wonderful! Melody tolerated him, but Yoofi is always thrilled to see him when he comes home from a therapy visit. So it’s all going well with her — and since she is SO different from Melody, it’s easy to accept her as her own unique self.

    But she has GOT to stop counter-surfing. She chew up paper! I’m trying to get a double billing from my doctor sorted out, and when they asked me to bring in my bill, I had to tell them, “My dog ate my homework!” I’m still not sure they believed me….😂

    • Faye October 26, 2019 / 4:14 pm

      Oh my! What fun Yoofi sounds like! Millie can be so silly sometimes.

      I am healing. And you and hubby will too with Yoofi’s help. She is already helping by being your personal therapy dog.

      • Laura October 26, 2019 / 4:19 pm

        Well, if by therapy you mean keeping us on our toes to avoid counters and tables being raided with *everything* ending up on her bed, or stealing my slippers *every* time I turn around 😇, then I guess we are healing. It’s tough love therapy, though, for sure!

        • Faye October 26, 2019 / 7:05 pm

          Ah. Yes. That will definitely keep you distracted from everything else! Hahahahaha.

          • Laura October 26, 2019 / 7:31 pm

            Yes, the other day when I was sleeping late after working late, she made several trips into the bedroom to remove, one at a time, both slippers and both socks from two pairs of different weights that lay beside the bed (my feet are always cold at night so I keep a variety of socks handy for how cold they are that particular night). She also helped herself to a couple of kleenex from a box I keep within easy reach, and I think would have stolen my glasses case if she’d had the time. She is definitely a grabby one! The golden retriever we had years ago was a counter-surfer, too, but only for food, so this stealing anything she sees is a new one for us.

            It’s like she’s a puppy — but in a way, she is, since she’s never lived in a house up until recent weeks. So she’s going through all those stages of puppy naughtiness that usually happen much earlier. Melody had spent time in various kennel staff’s homes; the owner believed in socializing the dogs as well as making money from their racing, so we didn’t go through any of this with her. We had no idea how lucky we were! But we love Yoofi nevertheless; she’s just a rather, er, *challenging* girl!

            • Faye October 27, 2019 / 10:06 am

              Such a huge change for Yoofi. Never to have had a home life.

              I’m sure you will all work everything out!

              • Laura October 27, 2019 / 1:19 pm

                We’ve figured that out. She’s still learning the boundaries. She doesn’t understand that there ARE boundaries, but while we do spoil our pups, we do insist on a few minor things — no climbing up on our bed, no bothering hmans who are eating, sensible things like that. Yoofi had her first trip to the big dog park this morning and had a nice time, so it’s good to know she gets along well with other dogs. So it’s happening. It’ll take time, but you expect that with a new dog. And she’s smart enough to learn quickly! She’s already doing better than we’d feared in some ways. And I’ve learned to hide my slippers if I want them available in the morning!

  13. Murray C. October 26, 2019 / 7:16 pm

    I’m so busy right now that I barely have time to skim all of your wonderful stories. It’s not as if I’m busy with wonderful things, just overwhelmed with all I have to do around the house. My birthday was yesterday and I spent it cleaning and raking – my hubby was at the river – big Regatta Weekend, The Head of the Schuylkill. He used to be director but is now just dealing with some specialty races, not least of which are for adaptive boats. Very impressive array of people with various disabilities, some needing able bodied people in the boats with them. Hubby got the program going in the Philadelphia area over 30 years ago. And I am having some friends over tomorrow for what we call a Song Swap, just a bunch of people sitting around exchanging songs. I suggested a theme – ghost stories, scary songs, in honor of Halloween. I look forward to having time to sing.

    Lily’s Tocks are a glory to behold – the little hussy ;~D

    I was thinking of Patty the other day – have we heard from her lately? As I say, I barely get to look at my emails these days so am unsure.

    • Laura October 26, 2019 / 7:33 pm

      What a marvelous idea that regatta is! It’s so lovely that people with differing disabilities are being given opportunities that simply never would have happened in previous years. Congratulate him for me for his thoughtful inclusiveness!

      • Dulcie October 26, 2019 / 8:21 pm

        Yes kudos to hubby Murray C. Love when people get a chance!

    • Debg October 27, 2019 / 12:20 am

      Belated birthday wishes, Murray C!

    • N. Fritz October 27, 2019 / 4:01 am

      Murray C, I join Deb G in sending belated birthday wishes! I think it’s fantastic that you will celebrated with a Halloween sing! If I were there I would recite (rather than sing) James Whitcomb Riley’s Little Orphant Annie, a particular favorite of mine!

      • phredsmom October 27, 2019 / 10:44 am

        Murray, if I know you at all, you will make time for singing yourself.
        You are very good. How about “With ‘er ‘ead tucked underneath
        ‘er arm” for starters!

        • Murray c. October 27, 2019 / 11:26 am

          N. Fritz, I love “Little Orphan Annie”! And Phredsmom, I was giving some thought to singing “With ‘Er ‘Head Tucked….” I do know a lot of ghostly songs! Thanks for your Birthday wishes, everyone. (Including Faye, down below)

    • Laura October 27, 2019 / 8:24 pm

      And yes, happy belated birthday, Murray!

  14. Murray C. October 26, 2019 / 7:17 pm

    I think I commented about Lily when I should’ve been commenting on the two snuggling charmers. Quite outside the box adorable!

    • Laura October 26, 2019 / 7:55 pm

      And I, too, forgot to comment on the snuggly ones. That is so sweet! I’ve had multiple cats, but never ones that were that snuggly and close. You are very lucky to have two such beauties and be able to enjoy them enjoying each other!

    • Faye October 27, 2019 / 10:09 am

      Happy Birthday Murray!

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