Basic Black

Switching to dark mode for National Black Cat Day

Just in time for Halloween, today is National Black Cat Day, a celebration of house panthers everywhere and a reminder that a black cat is a pet for life, not a prop for one night.

black cat
You may commence worshiping me. (Flickr)

A black cat isn’t bad luck…

black cat
Or a bad look. (Pixabay)

They’re always watching you…

black cat
Why I eyes ya. (Pixabay)

… but sometimes it’s hard to see them.

black cat
Yeah, you’re gonna want to wash me separately. (Pexels)

So watch out for their teeth…

black cat
YAAAAAAARRR!!! (Pixabay)

… and their claws.

black cat
But still the takeaway here is: We’re not bad luck. (Imgur)
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13 thoughts on “Basic Black

  1. Elaine Williamson October 27, 2019 / 3:16 pm

    I love black cats. If they are bad luck to me, it is only because I think they are so gorgeous. 😉

  2. diane in los angeles October 27, 2019 / 3:23 pm

    No black cat is ever a prop; *you* are always the prop, lap, climbing post, lounge spot, etc, etc.

    I do miss my black panther, who left me in 2003. Sleek, gorgeous, highly opinionated, and with a shockingly LOUD siamese voice that prompted some neighbors to complain about my barking dog. There was no dog, just Bagheera.

  3. allein 🐾 October 27, 2019 / 4:20 pm

    I would brave those claws and fangs to scritch that belly on the last kitty.

    • Duckie 🐥 October 27, 2019 / 5:32 pm

      I think it would BE your last kitty.

      • allein 🐾 October 27, 2019 / 5:35 pm

        Worth it.

      • allein 🐾 October 27, 2019 / 5:38 pm

        lol…one of the comments on that picture is “RIP random photographer.”

        • Ricky & Bibi's Mom October 27, 2019 / 7:35 pm

          I second the commenter who pointed out that the little round tummy kind of counteracts the “RAWR! I haz a FIERCE” impression. 🙂

          • allein 🐾 October 27, 2019 / 7:59 pm

            Yeah, the camera angle tries to make him look bigger but he’s just a baby. (Though I’m pretty sure I’ve seen that same picture for a few years now so I assume he’s not a baby now.)

            • Laura October 27, 2019 / 9:03 pm

              Extra-fierce babies are so adorable because they are anything but fierce! Such a darling little Pint-Sized House Panther!

  4. Kar October 27, 2019 / 7:08 pm

    I’ve had black cats for years and can attest that while they’ll ruin countless pantyhose, pillows and shed like a sheepdog at will.

    Yet so worth it!

  5. Ricky & Bibi's Mom October 27, 2019 / 8:22 pm

    My late Mookie and Mazzilli were haus panthers, and as darling as could be. They will always have a special place in my heart, though they have long gone to that Great Mousehole in the Sky. They were my first pets, and a lovely introduction to the joys of pet ownership (by).

  6. Debg October 27, 2019 / 9:23 pm

    My long gone and dearly loved Gaufredus always wanted tummy rubs. I’ll always love you, baby.

  7. Juno October 28, 2019 / 10:41 am

    “Why I eyes ya” lol!!! Oh Don Piano lives on!

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