Meet Double Dog

Every child knows the phrase “I double-dog dare you,” but did you know there actually is a double dog? “Getting people to do stupid stuff is tiring work,” says Double Dog during a rare moment of rest. “I’ve influenced thousands of kids to eat worms, hold their breath, ding-dong-ditch a neighbor, and this week isn’t even over yet.” Yet DD has no regrets. “When you can sit back and watch a kid struggle with his tongue stuck to a frozen flagpole,” he says with a contented smile, “you know it’s all worth it.”

dogs lie on couch
The things I can do when I put my heads together. (Reddit)

Submitted on a dare by Sharon H.

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8 thoughts on “Meet Double Dog

  1. Lucy's Mom November 21, 2019 / 10:56 am

    It took me a minute to figure out where one ended and the other one began. 😊

    • allein 🐾 November 21, 2019 / 10:59 am

      Me too!

      • Dulcie November 21, 2019 / 12:04 pm

        Me three!
        So cozy and fast asleep.

  2. AJ November 21, 2019 / 12:13 pm

    Such a sweet duo! And perfect picture to go with the story (or vice versa, lol).

  3. JenDeyan November 21, 2019 / 4:49 pm

    I wonder what the Triple Dog looks like. Probably not as busy as the Double Dog, though.

  4. Debg November 21, 2019 / 9:45 pm

    This will go down in history as one of my all-time faves! Nice shoutout to A Christmas Story.

  5. Michael November 21, 2019 / 10:15 pm

    Seems like bottom dog would wake up from not quite being able to breathe. Someone who knows dog breeds better than I do — Google says Great Dane. Head doesn’t seem massive enough, to me. My guess is Greyhound, but they seem too sturdy for that. Whatever they are, they’re gorgeous and I’d guess siblings?

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