Meanwhile, at the Duck Pond…

“Hey, don’t whine to me about cat food, pal. You got it easy compared to me. Every weekend, they come down here with their little picnic baskets full of salads and fruit, and what do they throw me? Bread. And you know it’s been in their fridge for a month, and I’m supposed to light up and act all grateful? Please.”

cat and duck
I’m just saying, it could be worse. (Imgur)
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11 thoughts on “Meanwhile, at the Duck Pond…

  1. allein 🐾 November 29, 2019 / 11:34 am

    This needs to be a children’s book or something…

      • Alice Shortcake November 29, 2019 / 2:11 pm

        I see them in a police show – the cynical duck detective and his brave but impulsive young feline partner.

        • dubravkamcvmd November 29, 2019 / 4:33 pm

          I’d definitely watch it.

          • Lucy's Mom November 29, 2019 / 5:40 pm

            Watch it? I’d binge watch it! It actually sounds more entertaining than most of the crap on tv these days.😃

        • Duckie 🐥 November 29, 2019 / 9:43 pm

          I like the way that rolls off the tongue: cynical duck detective.

  2. fkaWaldenPond November 29, 2019 / 12:03 pm

    So, last winter during a brutal cold snap I went online and read that we should be feeding the local ducks lettuce not bread. Being ‘that person’ I go get bagged romaine and march smugly to the duck pond. Well, the ducks were pissed at me for wasting their heat and energy after leaving the circulated pond, didn’t touch the lettuce and then when a couple showed up with bread, flocked around them, gobbling up every. last. piece. sigh

    • Dulcie November 29, 2019 / 12:48 pm

      …grumble grumble…grrr catfood…grumble…stale bread…grumble grumble..

    • kermit November 29, 2019 / 2:42 pm

      It’s hard to get them to eat proper food once they develop a taste for junk food. That’s what squishy white bread is for them – and for humans, really.

      More protein-heavy and nutrient-rich whole grain bread is a great stepping stone. Squishy white bread is like that because all the protein have been removed – it’s basically made with pastry flour that has no nutritional content, except for artificial addition of vitamins.

      Hearty greens like kale, collard greens, swiss chard also good (and hopefully affordable where you live) options.

      Sunflower seeds, barley, buckwheat, oats, millet, etc. are nutritious and hearty as well.

  3. Duckie 🐥 November 29, 2019 / 12:55 pm

    The duck is gluten intolerant and the cat’s a vegetarian.
    That’s why they get along.

  4. Lucy's Mom November 29, 2019 / 1:03 pm

    I have to admit, the duck’s got a point. Bread schmread.

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