Links: Room With a Mew

A cat hotel, magical deer garden, runt roars back, and daring dog rescue, plus more.

And finally: Back Away! Back Away!!!

Retreat! Crocodile! 

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8 thoughts on “Links: Room With a Mew

  1. dubravkamcvmd December 18, 2019 / 8:36 am

    The very good cat posts are great, especially the tangerine force field, the disappearing paw prints, and the kitten who wouldn’t share its toy. The man climbing the building to save the dog was amazing – I was scared watching even though I knew it worked out.

    • allein 🐾 December 18, 2019 / 8:43 am

      I’ve seen the tangerine picture several times on facebook recently. I want to know why is kitty afraid of them…

      Stars isn’t interested in the Christmas tree but if she was, a few strategically-placed plastic bags would keep her away.

      • dubravkamcvmd December 18, 2019 / 10:11 am

        I’m guessing the smell of citrus is deeply repulsive. Minkette was interested in everything I ate and she even liked to eat spicy food (not hot), but if I was eating a citrus fruit, she would come over to examine and then she would recoil and look at me as if I was nuts.

        • allein 🐾 December 18, 2019 / 10:18 am

          Maybe. I’ll take the citrus smell if kitty doesn’t want it. I have a coworker who always eats fruit on her morning break; usually a grapefruit or an orange. I love when I happen to go to make tea while she’s in the kitchen because it smells so good.

          Now picturing the video of the dog freaking out over a lemon.

  2. allein 🐾 December 18, 2019 / 8:41 am

    Little baby kitty who refuses to share his ball. “Mine!” I want him.

    Had a cat run out in front of me on my way to work this morning. I was able to slow down enough that I wasn’t super close to hitting him…but still closer than I would like. I think my heart rate is back to normal.

  3. AJ December 18, 2019 / 9:16 am

    Great videos for starting off my day. Crocodile vs dog gave me the giggles, heart in throat for the dog rescue even tho I know it would be a happy ending. I’m scared of heights so kudos to that guy for climbing from one balcony to another, 12 stories up. And when I go to Japan, I know what hotel I’m staying at – hmmm how much to bring a cat back from Japan??

  4. debg December 18, 2019 / 9:28 am

    OMG the kitty collection! So adorables. Like the puppers, I would back away quickly from a crocogator.

    Have to save the other linkies for later.

  5. Faye December 18, 2019 / 5:14 pm

    Dogs will give their lives for people. Humans try very hard to honor them back like the man in the video. A very good man and a good good dog.

    Full reverse doggo! Hahahahaha.

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