8 thoughts on “Hair of the Cat

  1. allein 🐾 December 31, 2019 / 11:02 am

    Hehe, “Furrball Whiskey” 🙂

  2. dubravkamcvmd December 31, 2019 / 11:09 am

    Kitteh really does look loaded

  3. Dulcie December 31, 2019 / 12:51 pm

    I might need some catnip, or the human equivalent, to get some pep happening here. Still not out of my pajamas yet and it is almost noon. This is fairly typical for me after a week of christmassing. Regardless of whether it is hectic socially, I still manage to eat too much. And of course I am not talking about too much salad.
    I try not to think about resolutions for the new year although just the numbers 2020 make me stop a d think about the time that had passed by… wasn’t Y2K just last year?? I am not saying that resolutions aren’t good – of course positive improvements are worth pursuing – its just that I tend to get bogged down in what might have been or why things turned out the way they did. So, ha ha, before I start spreading the maudlin around… I will just stop here and wish all my fellow Cutes the very best for 2020…the best of health for sure, for yourselves and the fur families.
    And kudos to Mike for another awesome year of animals, friendship, sharing, and most of all HUMOUR!

  4. Lois M. aka Flowerfanatic December 31, 2019 / 1:16 pm

    To celebrate the New Year a group of us from my senior living complex are going out to lunch and see the new CATS movie on New Year’s Day. Several residents have kitty companions in their apartments. Several have small dogs and a couple of residents have both a cat and a dog. My husband and I saw the live play CATS when they were in Chicago MANY years ago. I’ll never forget it. I don’t know that a movie is as good as a LIVE play with the original cast but I’ll try and be positive!!

  5. Laura December 31, 2019 / 4:36 pm

    I am happy about the New Year because, honestly, 2019 can’t be over too soon! It hasn’t been the greatest year for me personally, and my dislike of the year was just capped by a phone call from an old friend telling me that a dear college buddy of both of us passed away recently. I can’t imagine a world without Jack in it, so the reminder that I’m at the age when I’m going to hear more and more about friends dying is just something I have to get used to.

    Cheerful, aren’t I?

    But I promise not to get in the same condition as Mr. Fireball up there, on booze OR catnip! I’ll toast the new year with some nonalcoholic eggnog. If I can stay awake till midnight. 😀

    Everybody, please be careful and stay safe out there tonight, okay? And I’ll see you all on the other side! May 2020 be an improvement over 2019, PLEASE! (Although Mike cannot possibly get any better, so that request doesn’t apply to him, obviously.)

  6. Debg December 31, 2019 / 8:17 pm

    Looking forward to the new year, as 2019 had so much sorrow. I still find it hard to think about my beloved Ursula without bursting into tears. But 2019 also had some wonderful moments shared with great friends, like all of you. Happy new year to us all!

    • Laura January 1, 2020 / 2:14 am

      We’re the same way about Melody. I will cry forever about that beautiful dog, I fear. I’m sorry about your Ursula; I totally understand. 2019 was definitely not a great year for some of our pets, was it? But others started new pets in their families — as did we, actually — so at least that’s brought lots of cute pictures of adorable creatures!

      • allein 🐾 January 1, 2020 / 2:34 am

        A friend of mine had to put their dog to sleep the Saturday before Christmas, and their other dog just a few weeks earlier. They went to Florida for Christmas, got home yesterday, and today went to the animal shelter and adopted a new family member. They can’t be dogless for long and I won’t be surprised if they’re back up to two soon enough.

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