Welcome to the Caturday open thread! Today’s visitor is off on a thrilling adventure through the wilds of the treacherous backyard.

Welcome to the Caturday open thread! Today’s visitor is off on a thrilling adventure through the wilds of the treacherous backyard.
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Rainy Caturday today. Going out for dinner for my birthday (which is Tuesday and I couldn’t take the day off but at least I work from home that day). Hope my headache goes away before then…
The dogs were good again but Bear is the goodest.
Amen, Bear is the goodest dog!
Bear is definitely the goodest dog! Can’t believe his jumping on his Dad’s chest saved his dad!
Amen. Amazing!
Happy Saturdog, everyone!
“Saturdog”, I love it!
Bear. What a hero.
If you’re on the mailing list for WRD, they had a lovely tear-jerker story about a beautiful dog who loved snow, and her beautiful family who got it for her on her last day. I’m still crying.
Well, I am now! I didn’t know they had a mailing list.
Just in time to get a bonus dog for my birthday, apparently. 🙂
Might need to use the discount code and get myself a present.
Hi Everyone,
Hoping for a productive weekend. Cleaning this morning, errands to run and tomorrow visiting a friend who is having a block party. Hers is the last fully intact (architecturally) block in Philadelphia. She’s done a lot of research and her neighbors are excited to show off the history. Should be fun.
Also fun – I discovered a new app! https://merlin.allaboutbirds.org/ So far in my back yard, I have recorded cat birds, Carolina wrens, house sparrows, cardinals, a blue jay, and a red tailed hawk. I love it!
Have a wonderful day all!
Anyone else watch Tasting History with Max Miller? Normally there aren’t cute animals (except the occasional appearance by one of his cats), but last week’s episode was about dog food. Of course, he had to find a dog to do the taste test. 🐶
I love Tasting History! I was saving this episode to watch in a relaxed moment. I think I’ll stick to that plan.
Here’s the latest Olive and Mabel. I went to a dark place when I saw the title (lots of loss in the news recently), but everything is fine. You can enjoy it all the way through without fear.
I’ve gotten a little nervous the last few times he’s posted a video. I had actually made a note to share this one, too (I keep an email draft for stuff I come across during the week), but the page got an error or something and the draft didn’t save my changes. I’m sure I would have remembered eventually…thanks for beating me to it! 🙂
Gotta love Mabel and her dignified poses.
How old are his dogs? Getting a little worried about Olive…
According to this interview with Andrew Cotter from September 2022, Olive is almost 12 now (he said she was 9 and 3/4 at the time), and Mabel is four years younger.
You always have interesting shows you watch.
I discovered that one because of the 25th anniversary of the movie Titanic; he did a series on what they would have eaten on the ship (one for each class and the crew, and two or three other topics), and YouTube suggested one of them along with all kinds of other Titanic-related stuff around that time. I watched that one, then the rest of that series, and then I started working my way through the “Binge Every Episode!” playlist (which is up to 268 as of this week).
The funny thing is he is neither a historian nor a chef, just a history buff who likes to cook. His story is that he got into baking because he was on a vacation with a friend who ended up getting sick, so they spent most of their time in the hotel watching the British Baking Show or something, and he decided to try making one of the cakes. He would bring his creations to work and also share the history of them, and someone suggested he should start a youtube channel. He started doing the channel shortly before covid hit (the earliest video was posted February 25, 2020), and then got furloughed from his job (he worked in marketing/distribution for Disney movies), so he had plenty of time to work on the channel and it took off so much that by they time they called and asked if he wanted to come back, the channel was doing so well he had to decide whether to go back to his job or stick with the channel. Thankfully he stuck with the channel. (Also his husband apparently collects Pokémon stuff and there is always a Pokémon figure somewhere behind him, which amuses me.)
Bear is definitely the goodest dog.
Indy kitty already has treasure in his eye colour.
Feeling much better these days. Once Covid was gone, the prescriptions my ENT gave me for sore throat and ear infection finally kicked in, and I am happy to say I can start eating non-baby foods. Lost a total of 12 pounds, but I can deal with that just fine.
Hubby is going to Niagara-on-the-Lake next week for a conference, and has annoyingly but lovingly arranged a series of baby sitters to keep me company. I am trying to cancel them, as I am looking forward to a few days of self pampering ALL BY MYSELF.
Have a fantastic weekend, everyone.
Happy Caturday, everybody! I love adventure kitties.
I’m off in a few minutes to volunteer for the local political party. We’re dropping off voting information, specifically candidate slates. I’ve never done this before and am a little nervous. But it will be fine–we won’t be talking to people so much as leaving literature at their front doors.
Hugs to you all.
Happy Caturday/Saturdog, all!
Last night, as I viewed the illuminated Central Tower of York Minster from my loft window, it occurred to me that – armed with binoculars – I should be able to see my house from the roof of the Central Tower. Given that it would involve climbing 275 steep twisty stairs, and the last time I did this I was 26 years younger, I’d wait for a very clear day to attempt it – imagine getting all the way to the top only to emerge in a thick mist!
In other news, this morning I noticed a ginger cat and two half-grown kittens sunbathing on the flat roof of my laundry room. I’d never seen them before and they were gone by the time I went downstairs to offer them some treats. When I was in Haworth last week I met a very friendly and vocal cow cat in the lane leading to the Parsonage – several tourists were filming it so it may already have made it’s debut on social media!
I’m late to the post today, it’s been a very busy morning od cleaning and doing laundry.
Also my husband hand the idea of cleaning out the spice cabinet, something we haven’t done in a very long time. I’m ashamed of the amount of herbs and spices we had to get rid of because they were too old, rancid and glued to the bottom of the container. At least everything went into what we call the food recycling to be pick-up by the city. Where I live they don’t do composting with food waste, they do biogas so they accept stuff that composting doesn’t.
Hope everyone also had a productive weekend LOL!!