Links: Snopes Says Nope

Wombat myth debunked, amazing cat art, huskies train, and otter has a birthday, in today’s links.

And finally: How to Make Duck a L’orange

Step 1: Get duck. Step 2: Put orange on duck. (via Andrew Y.)


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8 thoughts on “Links: Snopes Says Nope

  1. dubravkamcvmd January 22, 2020 / 8:23 am

    So i fell for the wombat helping other animals story. Sigh. it seemed weird but I thought OK, that’s nice. Fortunately, no harm resulted from my dumbitude.

    • debg January 22, 2020 / 9:25 am

      I’m right there with you. And the wombats are still helping other critters inadvertently!

  2. allein ๐Ÿพ January 22, 2020 / 8:43 am

    Jubilee looks like something out of a Pixar movie. And is adorable.

    • debg January 22, 2020 / 9:26 am

      I agree on both counts. What a gorgeous girl!

  3. Arne January 22, 2020 / 9:18 am

    Question: If you put shoes on a dog they usually walk in a very funny way, perhaps being deprived of the tactile interaction between paws and ground. Yet, that doesn’t seem to be any trouble with the Alaskan dogs and their red shoes which I presume is there to protect the paws from the cold.

    So, what’s the explanation?

    • Blue Footed Booby January 22, 2020 / 9:41 am

      It’s like leash training: if you start when they’re young, they take it in stride (pun absolutely intended). It’s when you put shoes on an adult dog that the comedy happens.

      I figured when I saw the wombat story that it was more that wombat burrows are huge so there’s room to take refuge without getting buttcrushed.

    • N. Fritz January 22, 2020 / 10:12 am

      I’m a big sled dog fan, and asked this question on Twitter. The musher explanation is that, although the booties are alien, all the dogs want to do is RUN and that instinct overcomes any weirdness like day-glo booties!

  4. Duckie ๐Ÿฅ January 22, 2020 / 11:41 am

    I wish to counter the wombat story. I firmly believe that wombats have it in them to rescue and herd other animals to safety. Just because these ‘experts’ have never witnessed this behaviour doesn’t mean it doesn’t occur. Are these experts actually out in the danger zone when this takes or doesn’t take place? No. So I believe that, when it becomes necessary, wombats will help other animals. Why else would these furry love tanks make their dens so big?
    And I LOVE the duck a l’orange!

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