The Garlic Guard

Reader Tara O. grows her own garlic, which is a great idea, and she’s lucky enough to have a cat named Jacques to stand watch over it. Tara explains:

While I was outside the other night, Jacques was very cute. It looks like he’s guarding my garlic. I have to put a screen over it so the kitties don’t see a giant litter box. Makes for a nice airy lounge for him though, and, only he is allowed on it.

Moi? Use your garden as a litter box?
I’m disappointed you would even think that.
The place is fragrant enough already.
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7 thoughts on “The Garlic Guard

  1. Elaine C Williamson March 31, 2020 / 12:52 pm

    It’s a good thing you covered it, bulb plants are bad for cats.

  2. allein 🐾 March 31, 2020 / 1:27 pm

    Good you have a security guard. With all the pasta people are buying, they might want to raid your garlic…

  3. fkaWaldenPond March 31, 2020 / 1:33 pm

    Hi Handsome Jacques and I appreciate your backyard Tara. Despite the cold, gloomy weather I am going out for a walk after sign off from work this evening.

  4. Dulcie March 31, 2020 / 2:39 pm

    Just put a little catnip down and voila! Herbed pussy cat!

  5. debg March 31, 2020 / 2:50 pm

    What a handsome panther you have!

  6. Emsthemonster March 31, 2020 / 2:51 pm

    When my Marci was a kitten, he totally didn’t understand why we had put seeds in the ground.
    So he dug them out, one by one and then proceeded to show us what better use the small holes may have. So it is a brilliant idea to cover the garlic. And Jacques is beautiful!

  7. Tara March 31, 2020 / 6:25 pm

    Moi? Use your garden as a litter box?
    Oh please, don’t let that look fool you!
    Thank you all for your kind words about my Jacques – although – he is already aware of how handsome he is. 😉

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