The Story of Imogen

Hand-raised koala grows up happy and healthy

In 2015, little Imogen was a koala joey growing up with her mom Kelly at Symbio Wildlife Park in Australia. But a tragedy would change her life dramatically. A younger joey, Harry, lost his mother and needed a new mom to keep growing normally. That’s when two caregivers took over raising Imogen so that Harry could have Kelly as a surrogate. Imogen’s new mom and dad knew that raising a nocturnal animal would be tough, but the charming youngster made the hard work a joy.

And how’s Imogen doing these days? According to this article from last year, Imogen is back at Symbio, thriving and melting hearts. Thanks to her pampered upbringing, Imogen isn’t shy around people and demands constant cuddles. “She does this cute thing where she will actually put her arms up behind her head and leans right back so you can rub her belly,” said a park spokesperson.

Make with the rubs, bub.

A sweet find by Murray C.

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6 thoughts on “The Story of Imogen

  1. Luv Bunny April 13, 2020 / 3:43 pm

    I am now ded from the overload of cute. It would be so hard for me to let go of these wild animal bebehs after all the love and attention showered upon them.

  2. allein 🐾 April 13, 2020 / 4:25 pm

    checks pyrex measuring cup in cabinet; no koalas 🙁

    Something about 20 seconds in when she scritches behind her ear…

  3. Dana April 13, 2020 / 4:30 pm

    Oh my, this was unbelievably cute. I must have said “awwwwwwwww” at least 20 times while watching.

  4. AJ April 13, 2020 / 4:40 pm

    She looks like a real life stuffed animal. Yawnsies with little teethies!!! Clunk. I’d never get any real work done if I was taking care of her.

  5. Duckie 🐥 April 13, 2020 / 5:00 pm

    Ded. Just ded.

  6. Debg April 13, 2020 / 10:56 pm

    Every single thing she did was cuter than the last thing she did. My cuteometer has to be completely recalibrated.

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