Links: Leftover Easter Sausage

Weiner dogs play rabbit, corgi raises pit bulls, cat comforts dog, and laughing fox, in today’s links.

And finally: Laugh it Up!

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14 thoughts on “Links: Leftover Easter Sausage

  1. AJ April 16, 2020 / 9:20 am

    Never knew foxes could make sounds like that. Must be showing enjoyment at getting those belly rubs. And wow, the dachshund owner is an amazing dog whisperer/wrangler. I have enough trouble getting one dog to pay attention much less 18.

    I had one dog that hated thunder storms as much as or more than Moose. And living in Florida at that time, storms were an almost daily occurrence. Poor baby usually end up hiding in the tub or the closet or being a 70 pound lap dog. Worst one was the time she crawled behind the toilet and this was in a small 6 x 10 bathroom. Thought I was going to have to call in either the fire dept or a plumber to get her out but somehow she maneuvered herself out of that tight situation.

    • Ricky & Bibi's Mom April 16, 2020 / 10:21 am

      Ricky was also terrified of thunderstorms. I think it was the lightning even more than the thunder. He would cuddle up with me and try to dig a hole in my chest so he could hide inside me! (Ow.) Back of the toilet was also a “safe place” for him.

  2. Beth April 16, 2020 / 11:25 am

    Granted, I’m feeling a wee bit…fragile, these days. But both Sara and her blended-family puppies, and Moose & Marvin’s relationship brought tears to my eyes.

    In other news, foxes are just…a whole ‘nother thing, aren’t they? Love!

    Thanks, Mike, for keeping us afloat with happy stories here!

  3. allein 🐾 April 16, 2020 / 11:32 am

    Love the ticklish fox; will have to look at the rest later.

    But I need help…
    So last night I accidentally turned on my ceiling fan in my “home office” (aka second bedroom), and when I tried to turn it off, the chain broke right at the top, inside the hole it comes out of (or maybe inside the switch itself). It’s been running on high ever since. (Now I’m freezing – it’s just like being in my actual office!) There is no other switch; I fear the only way to turn it off is to turn off the breaker (which will shut off power to my bathroom and both bedrooms including my internet; can’t do that while I’m working) to be able to open it up and get to the switch inside.

    My dad wants to come fix it. I don’t particularly want anyone in my house because, well, y’know (I haven’t even been past their front porch since March 23), and also he had a hip replacement in February so I don’t like the idea of him on a step stool (he’s still doing physical therapy and is walking pretty well – can walk all the way to the far end of their street and back – but still…). My parents haven’t been sick but still, they have to go out in the world more than I do…

    Someone please talk me down off this anxiety ledge…

    • Luv Bunny April 16, 2020 / 12:13 pm

      I get your dilemma, not wanting to risk your dad’s health. Unless you want to keep freezing or call in a repairman, I think I’d let your dad come help. Dad’s enjoy helping their children, no matter their age. Let us know how you get your problem solved.

      • allein 🐾 April 16, 2020 / 12:19 pm

        It’s more likely if any of us have been exposed, it’s them…I’ve only been out to the mailbox and the trash cans since last week. I told him to at least do it while I’m on lunch at 12:30 in case he has to cut the power.(Not that “lunchtime” means much these days…)

    • dubravkamcvmd April 16, 2020 / 12:43 pm

      Rats, this is not something you can just close the door on. I guess there’s no staff responsible/ available to fix things in your apartment? If there are no mechanically ept friends to help you, Dad sounds like the best bet. This is definitely anxiety-enhancing.

      • allein 🐾 April 16, 2020 / 1:47 pm

        It’s a condo; I own it. Everything inside the walls is my responsibility.

        They just left a little bit ago. I tried to stay 6 feet away but it was hard. They’re both wearing masks. Except he pinched his finger and pulled the mask down to suck on it. (Ew.) He opened up the casing and the whole fan switch mechanism just kind of rained down in pieces (tiny little pieces…). So that’s great. He ended up cutting the wire which also cut the power to the light bulb. Oh well. (I have the light on my desk and another stand lamp I can use, though as long as it’s not too cloudy it’s light enough during the day with the blinds open that I don’t really need to turn the lights on to work.) Maybe in a day or two I’ll stop worrying about my house being contaminated by their jackets and whatnot.

        And now we just got a meeting (conference call) request from the boss titled “discussion” which sounds ominous. At least I only have 13 minutes left now to fret about it.

        • AJ April 16, 2020 / 2:12 pm

          Allein – I’m so sorry about all this. Hopefully the conference call wasn’t bad news and just a usual discussion about work projects/staffing/working remotely.

          Guess it might be time for a new ceiling fan? The good news is now you can get fans with remote controls. No more worrying about breaking the chain, just have to remember where you left the remote, lol.

          • allein 🐾 April 16, 2020 / 2:24 pm

            The call was fine; some news that doesn’t really affect me unless I was planning to go to the office in the next several days, which I was not.

            (I might have to go in a couple weeks because it’s the end of our fiscal year and there’s some audit procedures that need to be done. I’ve been making a mental list of the things I want to bring home when I do have to go in.)

            I really don’t use the fan in here, anyway. I might consider replacing it with just a light fixture. And if I get something with a remote I’ll just hang it on the wall next to the light switch. Some day…when we can shop at Home Depot again… (I have lots of little things that need doing around here but this was the first thing that couldn’t exactly wait several weeks.)

            Thank you for indulging me in my hour of anxiety. Now back to your regularly scheduled qte.

            • AJ April 16, 2020 / 5:14 pm

              Not a problem Allein. We’re all here to help each other. This site has been so helpful for me, especially the last two days when my anxiety levels in general were spiking. I ‘m better today but I hink for me, it’s not being able to go out and do something, after a while I get antsy staying home. There’s only so much cleaning and so many craft projects and so much TV watching that one can do.

  4. murkle46 April 16, 2020 / 7:10 pm

    Quick note on pet foxes.They will chew on everything,never stop moving,and leave little “gifts” everywhere.They are very affectionate,they are very much like a three year old who just ate 5 pounds of sugar.

  5. Kar April 16, 2020 / 8:56 pm


    we’re just going to walk past the comment about a man having EIGHTEEN sausage dogs?

    • Debg April 16, 2020 / 10:01 pm

      I don’t feel like such a crazy cat lady now.

      If I ever open a bakery, it will be called Laughing Fox. So wonderful.

      Love all these sweet kitties and goggies so much.

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