Links: Do-It-Yourself Edition

Crafty creativity on display in today’s links.

And finally: Noooooooorm!

Pass the beer nuts, Andrew Y.

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14 thoughts on “Links: Do-It-Yourself Edition

  1. allein 🐾 May 4, 2020 / 9:59 am

    I’d have a beer with that squirrel…

  2. Wuyizidi May 4, 2020 / 10:44 am

    Like how the wheels for one cat tank is made of rolls of toilet paper, what a flex.

    • fkaWaldenPond May 4, 2020 / 11:15 am


  3. Blue Footed Booby May 4, 2020 / 10:53 am

    I like that the tank in the preview looks like a Panther.

  4. AJ May 4, 2020 / 11:16 am

    Ok, people have waaayy too much time on their hands. But nice results, wish I was a tinsy bit as crafty/handy as these people

    In other news, I did finish a project in the living room this weekend, finally! There’s a ledge about 10 feet off the ground and I had some gargoyle statues I wanted to put there and after many trips up and down the ladder, I have them up! Yeah me!! Plus walking around the neighborhood this weekend, I saw this great sign, “You are entering the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Silly Walks” and something about walking silly a la Monty Python and you might have your picture or some website. Then at the end of the property, a sign said you’re now leaving the jurisdiction of the Ministry. Guess that’s a thing now. And no, I did not walk silly but maybe today I will.

  5. Faye May 4, 2020 / 12:18 pm

    Squirrel bar: Norm! Alan? Steve?

  6. Duckie 🐥 May 4, 2020 / 12:24 pm

    Cutetropolis is our online Cheers.
    We take breaks from our worries here, and everybody knows our names.
    And that is a singularly comforting thought.

    • AJ May 4, 2020 / 2:34 pm

      You said it best Duckie! I never thought of it that way but it’s so true and especially in this new “normal”.

  7. debg May 4, 2020 / 3:25 pm

    I love all the cat and dog thingies people have built! The tanks especially had me howling. I feel like a slacker mom.

  8. Emsthemonster May 4, 2020 / 5:19 pm

    Interestingly enough it is not the virus that worries me but its impact on society. I would have never thought that having to spend 1.5 months with the family makes people so stupidly aggressive. I am not questioning how difficult it is to homeschool 2-3 kids while the parents also need to work from home but i find it appalling that such a short time was enough for some people to forget how to live in society.

    Yesterday I got into a very strange road rage incident, which I’m still trying to process. There was no accident but it was quite close. All the participants did something stupid and were to blame to some extent, unfortunately me included.

    I live in a very long and very narrow street where there is a lot of traffic: buses, trucks, tractors, agricultural machines, cars, cyclists, everything. 2 small cars can maybe pass each other, but usually one car needs to go to the side so the other one can pass. As there are a lot of people who leave their cars by the road, this can be a very stressful ride.

    I was driving home yesterday when an elderly driver almost crashed my car ignoring a stop sign, so i was a bit nervous already when I reached my street. 3 cyclists were riding next to each other, father with 2 young sons, roughly 5 and 9 year-old kids. The father kept looking back at me but he had no intention to let me go. He knew very well that I had no chance to overtake them.

    After some long minutes, we reached the most dangerous part of the street: a big curve where everyone except BMW drivers slow down as you cannot see forward and the street is even more narrow. There the father instructed the kids to ride in one line, so I – having lost all my patience – took my chance to overtake them when a crazy BMW driver came at insane speed. The BMW stopped to let me go as he had no other choice, but deliberately in a way to make it difficult for me to pass without hitting either him or the kids. I could avoid hitting anyone and left the scene but yes, i was quite close to the youngest cyclist kid.

    BMW guy wanted to teach me a lesson: if there is just one traffic lane available, ofc the BMW driver can pass – if children die in the meantime, so be it. What can be more important than acknowledging the might of this brand?

    Technically he was right, it was his lane and I shouldn’t have been there. But everyone here knows that there is a school, a church, a bus stop and a gym at this curvy bottleneck, so everyone slows down in time and let the people out of it because next time they may be the one stuck there.

    So I arrived home and 2 minutes later a seemingly very angry father arrived too. He yelled that I knocked his kid off the bicycle with the back of my car, but he is not very much injured. I saw from my rearview mirror that the kid lost balance for a moment as he got scared but he didnt fall off the bike.
    I told him that OK, I am calling police and an ambulance for the kid and there was a woman who saw it, so we have a witness. The guy was suddenly calm and he said that police and ambulance were not needed (Police would have been my cost and the ambulance is free) and started talking about my dangerous driving and how I scared his kid. In the meantime the 2 children arrived laughing and they politely said hello to me.
    The father told me that I was supposed to patiently drive after them, if it takes 20 minutes then it’s 20 minutes, because he cycles with vulnerable children and he has the right to be on the road and he needs to find entertainment for the kids. (Not sure when we have 20 minutes at a time without traffic though)

    Then I told him that with this style they aren’t going to have a long childhood anyway, so let them enjoy it until the next car hits them and the children’s safety may be more important than who is right in this situation. When he saw that I maintained my opinion about both him and me being to blame in this situation, he wished me a nice weekend and left.

    I cannot believe that some parents are stupid enough to lead their kids at the bottleneck with a car at their back. Whenever I ride my bicycle I always let the cars pass there, simply because I want to live and I don’t like holding up traffic. These mini traffic jams dissolve faster if we let the faster ones leave first.

    I still don’t know if this was a weak scam attempt, or the father was really that dumb…

    Sorry for such a long post, but I really needed to get it off my chest.

    • AJ May 4, 2020 / 10:21 pm

      Wow, what a unbelievable situation. Glad it worked out for you and I don’t think you were in the wrong for trying to pass them. You waited as long as you could and sometimes cars going slowly can cause accidents too. This father really needs to find another road for him and the kids to ride on. If he’s from the area he should know how bad the traffic is on that particular road and especially with one kid probably just off training wheels. Maybe you can reach out to your community officials and see if there are any options for making the road a little safer like banning parking on the sides, stop signs before the curve or even a light at the business’ driveway. Good luck and you can always come here to get things off your chest, it’s always open and we’re willing to listen.

      • Emsthemonster May 5, 2020 / 2:18 am

        Thank you, AJ I feel a lot better after reading your response and you have given me a great idea. Big mirrors on both sides would make it a lot easier and it even has a chance to be implemented.

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