“I’m simply beside myself that you could visit my secret lair, Caped Crusader! As you can see, my razor-sharp pendulum will soon slice you in two, leaving you half the man you used to be! Well, I hate to cut and run, but I need to leave the room so you can escape.”
Holy split personality, Andrew Y.!
Diabolical paw rubbing…
Excellent …
Pretty little super-villain kitty. And she really is named Two-Face! boops her two-toned nose
Mwa. Ha. Ha.
I just took a walk and encountered a woman walking her cat in a stroller. I said hello and the cat meowed at me. I could hear it even with headphones on and the wind blowing. It’s very windy today but otherwise lovely.
I also encountered a dinosaur.
I’ll bite. Where did you encounter the dinosaur, and what kind of dinosaur was it?
A chalkosaurus? I dunno. I’m not a dinosaurologist…
Chalkosaurus is cute.
The next segment of sidewalk had a sun and the one next to that had flowers (I suspect the flowers were drawn by an adult). I didn’t take pictures because I couldn’t see the screen on my phone. I wasn’t even sure I was getting the dino in there.
Has no one read the Evil Overlord’s list of things not to do?
Excuse me, Mr. Evil, but I couldn’t help but notice your toes. It seems you have more than the usual number on your front paws. Might I enquire as to the number of toe beans you have, and what flavours they may be?
Also, what the price might be for diving into your belleh floof?