Take a Bow, Chicka, Bow Bow

(And so, as the audience leaps to its feet in a thunderous ovation here at the Hollywood Carnegie Palladium Enormobowl, tonight’s featured ballerina Priscilla Perfect steps forward to humbly acknowledge the acclaim from the wildly enthusiastic crowd. Ms. Perfect, who is also an astronaut and a princess, has been hailed as “the greatest dancer of all time” by world experts such as her mom…)

chick wears tutu
Thank you, I totally deserve this. (Imgur)

That’s tutu adorable, Sharon H.

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10 thoughts on “Take a Bow, Chicka, Bow Bow

  1. Luv Bunny May 26, 2020 / 11:20 am

    I remember awhile back there was a ballet troupe of chicks in tutus. This one must be the diva, dancing a solo number. So cute, taking her bow.

  2. allein 🐾 May 26, 2020 / 11:42 am

    I hear she was the inspiration for Degas.

    (Seriously, no one has made a Degas parody with baby chicks in cupcake-wrapper tutus? Google image search has let me down today.)

    • Faye May 26, 2020 / 12:19 pm


  3. Faye May 26, 2020 / 12:21 pm

    I would love a reverse shot to see the tooshie.

  4. Kar May 26, 2020 / 12:47 pm

    I think that I actually agree wth her mama about this…

  5. Tigrenska Jourard May 26, 2020 / 3:11 pm

    Great news story (it’s real, right?). All that’s missing from the photo is a scattering of rose petals.

    • Vanessa Bennett May 26, 2020 / 4:05 pm

      There were petals, but she probably ate them.Oooops!

  6. JenDeyan May 27, 2020 / 12:02 am

    You go girl! You be the best ballerina astronaut princess you can be!

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