Squirrels! Versus! Science!

Can an ex-NASA tech build a squirrel-proof feeder?

Mark Rober, a former NASA engineer at Jet Propulsion Laboratory, just wanted to do a little bird watching. Unfortunately, the so-called squirrel-proof bird feeders he set out attracted a gang of the rascally rodents who chased away the birds and stole the seed. That’s when Rober channeled his inner Wile E. Coyote to build a backyard obstacle course with trap doors, mazes, even a catapult to keep the squirrels at bay. Will this birdbrained scheme outsmart the squirrels? Press play and find out!

Via Murray C., Amy S. and Andrew Y. (More details at Gizmodo.)

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17 thoughts on “Squirrels! Versus! Science!

  1. Ricky & Bibi's Mom May 27, 2020 / 11:39 am

    Rube Goldberg has a lot to answer for, doesn’t he? 😀

  2. kermit May 27, 2020 / 11:49 am

    Ironically, the squirrels will adapt over time, so he’s only making them smarter. This is a well known problem with raccoons and garbage bins. They figure it out much faster than you think they would.

  3. sfisher89101 May 27, 2020 / 12:07 pm

    It’s An Engineer’s Guide to Squirrels instead of cats!

    Now I want some walnuts…

  4. Faye May 27, 2020 / 12:15 pm

    Maybe he could make something to catapult me away from the refrigerator!

    Loved every second. Man vs Squirrels=he just trained them to outwit the neighborhood.

  5. Elizabeth May 27, 2020 / 12:15 pm

    I watched this whole thing twice. It was that good. Spoiler: Phat Gus is a pregnant lady.

  6. allein 🐾 May 27, 2020 / 12:23 pm

    This was just fantastic. Or, phantastic.

  7. AJ May 27, 2020 / 1:22 pm

    This was amazing!! I usually don’t have the patience to watch videos like this all the way through but this time I was totally entranced. As they say about blockbusters – I laughed, I cried, I rooted for the underdog, and went aww, how cute. Am I the only one that wanted to see Phantisic Gus bring her babies to the yard?

    • Elizabeth Grisham May 27, 2020 / 5:26 pm

      I would have loved to have seen the babies, especially once they were furry. I had a newborn squirrel in my yard last year. It looked like a tiny Pink Panther.

  8. tara May 27, 2020 / 1:24 pm

    Oh yay! I also wanted to send this in but thought it would be too long. Glad it’s here! My sister sent it and I watched it this morning. I laughed a lot. I have to admire their skills. However…
    I am currently in a state of LOATHING squirrels. Yesterday morning they decided to have some sort of rodeo in the space between the second and third floors. My wonderfully tolerant and amazing tenant was pushed to far. She texted, “um, it sounds like there is something much bigger than a mouse under my floor?”
    Now I’m going to have to spend a lot of money to try to keep them out. sigh.
    And mostly… I want to have the skills to build that obstacle course!

  9. Kar May 27, 2020 / 3:30 pm

    So basically creatures with brains the size of walnuts are smarter than a NASA engineer..

    This does not bode well for the Space Corps.

    • dubravkamcvmd May 27, 2020 / 5:04 pm

      It’s all in the ability to focus I think. Squirrels are very hardworking and determined. The NASA engineer makes human beings seem like an attractive species.

      • Kar May 27, 2020 / 6:14 pm

        The other difference is that those squirrels are HUNGRY and ambitious. The engineer, just bored and ambitious.

        Especially poor Gus, she’s eating for what, 9?

  10. N. Fritz May 27, 2020 / 3:34 pm

    That was way more entertaining than I thought it would be. Trying to figure out a way to use it with my students!

  11. 6rabbits May 27, 2020 / 7:56 pm

    Gotta love the ingenuity of squirrels! Never get tired of seeing them figure things ou!

  12. BB/VA May 27, 2020 / 9:13 pm

    I have an Aunt Gussie. Just saying. Let us know if you see her family

    • Faye May 27, 2020 / 11:25 pm

      My maternal grandmother was named Gussie.

  13. ^oo^ May 28, 2020 / 2:12 am

    I tried to make a squirrel-only feeder. The squirrels never figured it out and a raccoon demolished it. Am I in a low IQ squirrel neighborhood?

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