Cat Splash Fever

Water the odds of meeting a cat who loves to splash in the tub, in the sink, even in drinking glasses? Meet Cooper, who sinks every stereotype about aquaphobic cats. (via Murray C.)

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7 thoughts on “Cat Splash Fever

  1. Lois M. aka Flowerfanatic June 4, 2020 / 1:59 pm

    He’s a Sphynx and does require frequent baths because their skin is oily and there’s no fur to absorb any of it. So it’s a good thing he enjoys water and his ‘bubble’ baths!! I’ve had Persians who love to take naps in bathroom sinks minus the water. It’s a COOL place!! Yes, I meant COOL because of all their fur and it feels ‘comfortable’ to be on the cooler side. I have a picture (somewhere) of 2 brothers who were asleep in our guest bath. Since they were exactly the same color (red tabby and white), it looks like one cat with 2 heads!!

  2. debg June 4, 2020 / 3:38 pm

    Cooper should try synchronized swimming! “I’m not a very strong swimmer” hahahaha

    • Catwhisperer June 5, 2020 / 11:58 am

      That was the first thing I thought of, too! Now he just needs a nose plug.

  3. Wuyizidi June 4, 2020 / 3:44 pm

    • Faye June 4, 2020 / 8:49 pm


  4. allein 🐾 June 4, 2020 / 5:36 pm

    I love that he has rubber duckies.

  5. Faye June 5, 2020 / 11:23 am

    All I could think of was old Ester Williams movies. Young people will need to Google her.

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