Caring for Your Pet Gremlin

Despite their sinister appearance and razor-sharp claws, gremlins make good pets. They are very loyal, due to the ancient curse that binds them to their owners. They are high-spirited creatures and always ready to play — with your arm, your eyeballs, your lower intestine, small pets…

sphinx cat stretches claws
Let’s cuddle! (Imgur)

I’ll just stick with goldfish, Sharon H.

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8 thoughts on “Caring for Your Pet Gremlin

  1. N. Fritz July 9, 2020 / 1:40 pm

    That’s definitely an aiai

  2. allein 🐾 July 9, 2020 / 1:42 pm

    Look at the fingers!!

    This gremlin would eat your goldfish…

  3. debg July 9, 2020 / 3:12 pm

    Fur hides a lot of scary things on my kitties.

    Happy news! Scorpius actually purred yesterday while I was petting him. If he’s ever done that, it’s so long ago I’d forgotten about it. Today he’s a little more standoffish, probably because he let his guard down yesterday. One step forward, two steps back . . .

    • Emsthemonster July 9, 2020 / 3:53 pm

      Awesome news, this is a landmark!

    • AJ July 9, 2020 / 4:02 pm

      Yipee!! His two voices are probably arguing today.

      Dang it Stanley, stick with the plan! We’ve got a good deal going here – food, shelter, no one bothering us while we continue our search of the basement for that blasted quantam space beacon that will get us out of here.

      I know Dudley but man it felt sooo nice, and she’s a decent sort. I mean what happens if we’re stuck here … permanently??

      Pshh, you’re such a softie with these inferior creatures. Well if comes down to it and there’s no other options, then we’ll let our guard down but in the meantime KEEP LOOKING!!!

      Yes, I’ve watched way too many sci-fi movies. But he’s a cat and you never know!

      • dubravkamcvmd July 9, 2020 / 4:15 pm

        Doesn’t sound implausible to me. My Minkette definitely stayed in touch with the Mother Ship.

        Great news DEBG. One of my sister’s cats, Nala, is skittish and much time and effort is spent on petting and scratching and cuddling her in non-alarming ways. Victories are sweet.

        • AJ July 9, 2020 / 5:06 pm

          I know several of mine were in communication with the mother ship. The only issue I had is when they beamed back down and got the coordinates wrong. Then they’d end up locked in a room or cabinet and cry to be let out. And I’d think if you’re so dang smart why didn’t you just open the door yourself??? LOL

      • Jendeyan July 9, 2020 / 5:37 pm

        I like the way your mind works.

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