29 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. Jan B. July 11, 2020 / 9:26 am

    Extremely photogenic! The camera loves Teller!

    First baby fledged on Thursday and I was angling for a close up of the remaining two when mama showed up with food (she’s just off screen to the left) and you never saw such a fuss!!! She left as soon as she realized I was there. The next one fledged yesterday, so there’s currently only one left in the nest. Probably have to be kicked out!

    Speakers up!

    • Arne July 11, 2020 / 9:58 am

      Cuteropolis’ Attenborough!

      • Jan B. July 11, 2020 / 11:01 am

        Lol! I wish!

    • dubravkamcvmd July 11, 2020 / 11:19 am

      Fabulous! I loved the urgency.

    • Faye July 11, 2020 / 12:16 pm

      Oooo. Thank you! So urgent and alive!

    • Blue Footed Booby July 11, 2020 / 7:00 pm

      My mom tells me there’s a crow family in their back yard. So far she’s spotted mom and two big scruffy babies who are very, very fussy. I asked her to get a picture but all she’s managed to photograph so far is indistinct blurs, wayward fingers, and my father.

      • Julie July 12, 2020 / 9:55 am

        LOL! your father in the photos!!

    • Jan B. July 12, 2020 / 6:20 pm

      I am both happy and saddened to announce that the last baby has successfully fledged! My front porch is now a very much quieter place…

        • Dulcie July 12, 2020 / 8:54 pm

          That empty nest thing hey?! Whether its the kids leaving home or a literal nest!

  2. AJ July 11, 2020 / 9:36 am

    Sweet birdies and a handsome kitties. Good way to start the weekend as I need a little lift today. And geez those birds grew up fast, it’s been what.. just a few weeks and already out of the nest. Not sure what I’m doing this weekend as there’s pretty much nothing to do. CA has gone back into semi lockdown with the recent surge of cases so I may go walk one of the outdoor malls just to get out of the house. It has been interesting to see restaurants here pivot to outdoor dining with parking lots roped off and canopies erected so they can still serve customers. I’m trying to keep a positive attitude but some days that’s hard. I just want all this to go away. Thanks for letting me vent. Hope everyone tries to have a good weekend.

    • Dulcie July 12, 2020 / 6:26 pm

      Oh AJ that is a tough one. Its hard not to get down when it seems like it will never end. I wish there was some master plan for this!!
      Please take care 💕.

      • AJ July 12, 2020 / 10:11 pm

        Thanks Dulcie, it ended up not being such a bad weekend after all. Went and got some new plants plus did a little shopping at the outlet mall on Saturday. Then had friends come over today and had an inside bbq just because it was so dang hot. Their two girls loved playing around in my backyard spa and since it was hot they didn’t even mind that the heater was broken.

  3. SoccerSue July 11, 2020 / 12:01 pm

    I have next week off from work so I’m planning some little day trips, hikes, etc. I’m not willing to do an overnight trip yet, although there are counties in my state that are farther along on reopening than mine. Honestly, at this point I’d be happy to just sit in my yard for a week and watch the deer go by. Work has been super busy, so I figured I’d need some time during the summer to relax and recharge. I’ll have another week off in August because I’m certainly not using my vacation time for anything else right now!

    The girl cat has been kind of sick the past week- sneezing like crazy and a little more lethargic than usual (always difficult to tell with cats, especially 15 year old cats). She’s still eating, drinking, etc., and a couple of times a day she’ll get up and walk around outside for a bit (closely watched by myself or my husband since she’s mostly deaf). She seemed a little better yesterday, so fingers crossed she’s through the worst of it. Really don’t want to have to take her to the vet right now.

    • Dulcie July 11, 2020 / 7:11 pm

      Yes fingers crossed Sue. Hate when the furbabies are sick!

  4. Kar July 11, 2020 / 12:06 pm

    I think that it would be hard to take a bad picture of that face.

  5. N. Fritz July 11, 2020 / 12:27 pm

    Hello, all! I’ve been relatively quiet the past few weeks because I’ve been trying to close out this semester and move on to the next chapter in my life. Yesterday was my last day at a school I’ve been at for seven years. By the end of the month I will have moved to Vienna to be with my boyfriend – no job, just a couple of safety nets.

    Yesterday was extremely emotional. I made brunch for my colleagues, but little did I know they had planned an entire program of poetry, song, and going away gifts. I was extremely moved, and had to take a day and a half off to recover from their kindnesses. Here it is, 6:30 pm on a Saturday and I’m still in my jammies. I’ve done nothing but listen to podcasts and read all day.

    Of course, Cutetropolis plays a big role in my entertainment program. Thank heavens for Mike and all of you, during these troubled times! Enjoy your weekend, especially Muppet and Teller, and Jan and Lily, but all of you, really, who feel like family!

    • Faye July 11, 2020 / 3:13 pm

      Good luck! I know you’re going to be very happy!

    • 6rabbits July 12, 2020 / 9:02 am

      Best of luck in your new life!

  6. dubravkamcvmd July 11, 2020 / 12:48 pm

    MEANT AS A RESPONSE TO N. FRITZ Your description of your colleagues’ party for you brought tears to MY eyes so I can only imagine how you felt. I hope you’ll be able to stay in Austria if you want. I don’t remember exactly, but didn’t you say there were some legal issues?

    • N. Fritz July 11, 2020 / 1:21 pm

      Hi Dubravka! Legal issues are basically clarified now. As long as I find a job before my next residency application (in about a year) I should be okay. Hopefully I can find a teaching position in Vienna or environs.

      And yes, the party left me in tears. A colleague wrote a poem for me and drew a caricature, then three colleagues performed a parody of a song about my boyfriend who is the reason I’m moving. I received so many meaningful gifts and I just hadn’t realized how much I had become a part of the team.

      • dubravkamcvmd July 11, 2020 / 2:34 pm

        Lovely – to your description of the party and your ability to stay in Austria. I have a good shot at getting citizenship in an EU country, but it will probably take a year or two at best. Who knows what the situation will be anywhere by then!

        • N. Fritz July 11, 2020 / 4:40 pm

          I can’t remember where you are located, Dubravka. I too hope for citizenship but it’s also some years off.

          • Dulcie July 11, 2020 / 7:13 pm

            NFritz you were so loved by your colleagues! 😥💕

  7. allein 🐾 July 11, 2020 / 12:55 pm

    The hover reminds me of Jon Stewart on the Daily Show a couple weeks ago. Trevor had to remind him to look at the camera and not at Trevor’s face on the screen. 😀

    Started back to the office two days a week this week. I was okay being there for the most part, but the anxiety symptoms got me later. Tuesday I couldn’t fall asleep and yesterday I had more classic anxiety symptoms while driving home. I hope it gets better but I also took a walk around the office and there are so many cubicles with names taped to them; seems like a lot of people moving in. Also my group is moving and I saw the offices labeled for the managers and VP but several cubicles near them had other people’s names on them so I have no idea where they’re putting us. I just hope there’s not a lot of noise and I’m not too close to the people who spend a lot of time on the phone. I’m not allowed to wear headphones and I’m not very good at tuning out little distractions. I found a website that plays rain sounds which helps some, but it’s not enough some days.

    I have a lot of vacation coming up this summer, which is good, but I can’t take a whole week off because there’s no one to cover my stuff on a Monday. I’m taking a Wed-Fri at the end of each month and then some other Thurs/Fri or just Fri sprinkled in between. With all that’s been going on I didn’t take any time earlier and I need to use it by the end of September.

    Since the school year was cut short for so many, here’s an anatomy lesson for you:

    • Dulcie July 11, 2020 / 7:14 pm

      Tippy taps! Aww!

  8. Dulcie July 12, 2020 / 11:35 am

    Teller’s concerns about “how to do this” reminded me of when digital cameras first came in and hubby kept putting his face up to it to look through the “view finder”. This went on for a stupidly long period of time. Old habits die hard!

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