Links: Bumper Crop

Parked cats, goat and rhino, lost dog gets found, and possum ain’t playing.

And finally: Stop Hitting Yourself! Stop Hitting Yourself! Stop Hitting Yourself! Stop Hitting Yourself!

You’d think kitty could operate its own leg, Andrew Y.

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4 thoughts on “Links: Bumper Crop

  1. allein 🐾 August 3, 2020 / 9:41 am

    I could probably fall asleep on a curb right now…

  2. AJ August 3, 2020 / 9:50 am

    Aww poor kitty with a foot that has a mind of its own. That was priceless and just the laugh I needed to deal with an already crappy Monday. Saving other links for later, it’s now time for my morning walk.

  3. AJ August 3, 2020 / 11:34 am

    I’m back!! Lovely walk, talked to three neighbors and petted two dogs so it helped get me out of my Monday blahs. And these links helped too, smart doggy, and such sweet bonds between the two kittens and the goat/rhino friends. Who woulda thunk parking curbs would be so handy for kitty naps?? And that poor cat, can’t even have dinner in peace without an uninvited guest jumping in.

  4. debg August 3, 2020 / 1:33 pm

    Imbuzi and Khula are adorable together! I would like to play tag with a baby rhino.

    Self-kicking kitty reminds me of speed bag moves–the instructor on my fave video says to keep your hands out so you don’t accidentally hit yourself in the face.

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