My Favorite Hangout

I love this restaurant! The corn’s always fresh, the view is wonderful, and it’s out of the way so there’s never a lunch rush. Well, there’s a rush of blood to my head, but that’s not what I mean.

squirrel hangs by feet
Not that my body really takes gravity seriously.

Reader Jan B. shares: “I have lots of goofy squirrels running around my back yard providing endless entertainment for both Lily and me.”

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3 thoughts on “My Favorite Hangout

  1. Elaine Williamson August 5, 2020 / 1:15 pm

    One way to keep the squirrels out of the bird feeder is with a squirrel feeder. Of course if it entertains the cat, all the better. 😁

  2. dubravkamcvmd August 5, 2020 / 2:35 pm

    Squirrels are amazingly athletic.

  3. Jan B. August 5, 2020 / 9:30 pm

    Thanks, Mike! We’re having a mini heat wave here, so for now everything is in hiding during the day. But when the evening starts to cool down, watch out! Squirrelios everywhere!

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