The Cat of the Future!

Wondrous things lie in store for our feline friends in the coming age of technology! In the future, cats will wear infrared heat-detecting goggles with heads-up display that will let them find mousies even within walls! And they’ll do energy-efficient zoomies thanks to their electric hyperboards!

cat in goggles on skateboard
. . . S C A N N I N G . . .

Yeah, it’ll be cute until they turn on us, Sharon H.

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5 thoughts on “The Cat of the Future!

  1. Kar August 6, 2020 / 12:33 pm

    And every night, we livestream concerts from WYLD STALLYNS!

  2. allein August 6, 2020 / 12:57 pm

    I dunno…Stripes was pretty good at knowing there was a mousie in the walls even without special goggles.

  3. debg August 6, 2020 / 1:34 pm

    Cats are pretty energy-efficient already. At least mine are. They get me to fulfill most of their needs.

  4. Blue Footed Booby August 6, 2020 / 1:39 pm

    does the arm motions

    Edit: uh, I was replying to Kar’s comment, but this appearing at the bottom, and now all the images are broken. Not sure if it’s the site or my internet. Weird.

  5. Arne August 7, 2020 / 6:04 am

    Blue Footed Booby – Same thing happened to my comment in another thread. Lets’ see where this turns up.

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