Room to Zoom

When dogs feel the need for speed, they need the room to zoom, and here’s one lucky pup with an entire hallway to practice those vital accelerating and cornering skills.

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11 thoughts on “Room to Zoom

  1. allein August 13, 2020 / 1:52 pm

    He has his very own indoor dog run! Perfect for rainy day zoomies. 🙂

  2. Elaine Williamson August 13, 2020 / 2:09 pm

    This reminds me of playing with my cat, I think she basically just likes running down the hall. 😁

  3. Ricky & Bibi's Mom August 13, 2020 / 2:21 pm

    I would love to let Bibi do this more often for her sake, but it’s not fair to the neighbors, and I believe it’s actually forbidden by the house rules (not unreasonably, really). I do let her run home sometimes, once we’ve turned the corner from the elevator. Our apartment is at the very end of the hall, so she gets a little of it out of her system that way. I did beg my neighbors’ forbearance a couple of times when I was training Bibi to come when called. Everyone was very nice about it.

  4. Faye August 13, 2020 / 2:36 pm

    Yay! A Chiweenie like Millie! Fantastic breed. Millie runs and zooms on our hardwood floors. Scrabble noises galore.

    • Tara August 13, 2020 / 2:47 pm

      oh! Millie is a Chiweenie!? Well no wonder she’s so cute. A neighbor has one, and Beanie is the sweetest, cutest puppers I get to pat when I see her. They really have quite the personality.

      • Faye August 13, 2020 / 9:47 pm

        Millie surprises me every single day.

  5. debg August 13, 2020 / 2:55 pm

    That was inspiring–didn’t know short legs (like mine) could run so fast. And adorable.

    I think Scorpius would appreciate a zoom run like that. He’s been very vocal lately and I think he’s bored.

    • allein August 13, 2020 / 3:00 pm

      You should see my friend’s Mini-Doxie mix…she’s a speedy one. (Whatever she’s mixed with has longer legs, though; she’s like a long-legged° Dapple Hot Dog.)

      °well, relatively speaking

  6. AJ August 13, 2020 / 3:09 pm

    I love the break s/he takes in the middle. “Ok, got my wind back so here I go again!!!”

    I used to work in a office that had a very long central hallway (like 40-50 ft or more, ran the whole length of the building) with a staff kitchen on one end and a conference room on the other. My boss would bring in her little shihzipoo and man could she run. Up and down the hallway, into the conference room and around the table. She would just run laps for 10 minutes. Talk about zoomies!! By the time she was done, she was panting and probably needed a long nap to recover.

  7. Dana August 13, 2020 / 7:01 pm

    I would love to know why animals get the zoomies. This doggo is adorable!

    • Ricky & Bibi's Mom August 13, 2020 / 7:29 pm

      Same reason(s) as people do, I’d imagine. Kids give into it. Adults tend to sublimate. 😉

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