From the Case Files of Tab Thompson, Cat of Danger!

I woke up groggy, with my head pounding like cannons were going off inside it. By the time I came to, the mad scientists already had my partner Stan on the table, completely catatonic and ready for whatever experiments these sick fiends had in store for him. I could get to the car and drive for help, but I’d never get back in time. There was only one choice: Either we were leaving that lab together — or we weren’t leaving at all.

That was suspenseful, Cheryl S.

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9 thoughts on “From the Case Files of Tab Thompson, Cat of Danger!

  1. allein August 21, 2020 / 2:56 pm

    Went to youtube hoping for a story; all I got was the title which is “Arkadaşini veterinere vermeyen kahraman kedi

    Google Translate indicates that it is Turkish, and means “Hero cat who didn’t give his friend to the vet

  2. AJ August 21, 2020 / 3:09 pm

    Snort laughed at the video and the translated title says it all. Loved the story Mike came up with. You go Tab, that’s one way to save your friend. Actually it’s not that far off from some of the action movies they’ve filmed.

  3. Debg August 21, 2020 / 3:17 pm

    Probably shouldn’t laughed at that as much as I did.

    Bitey the Bengal strikes again!

  4. Ricky & Bibi's Mom August 21, 2020 / 3:41 pm

    That’s hysterical. Well played!

  5. Dana August 21, 2020 / 3:43 pm

    Leave no man behind! snort, snort 😂

  6. dubravkamcvmd August 21, 2020 / 5:22 pm

    That is AMAZING! I see the beginning of the Tab Thompson, Cat of Danger franchise. I wonder what was going on – was it really we’re getting outta here!

  7. Kar August 21, 2020 / 5:44 pm

    Dang that kitty deserves the Medal of Valor. Or maybe a can of Value Albacore.

  8. Faye August 21, 2020 / 8:11 pm

    Raymond Chandler couldn’t have done better Mike.

    Friend dragging friend out of a bar brawl.

  9. Marianne August 22, 2020 / 12:39 am

    OMG, I laughed to tears running down my face!! And then had to watch it twice more! I think the cats were having a strongly-worded discussion about the situation:”Get In The Carrier Right Now!” “But I’m okay, they weren’t doing anything to me.” “I Don’t Care, Get In Here Right NOW!!!”

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