Weekend Open Thread

Welcome to the weekend, denizens of Cutetropolis! Our visitor today is Penny, who doesn’t visit us very often, because as sender-inner Muppet2171 explains:

She really doesn’t like the camera (which is why you get so many more pics of Teller than her). You can see here that she has noticed my camera and, even though she lacks a middle finger, is still flipping me off.

resting cat
I am also keying your car in spirit.
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23 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. AJ August 22, 2020 / 9:49 am

    That’s tortie level attitude right there. No matter, she’s still gorgeous and I have the same reaction to cameras too. Main goal today is to stay cool and maybe clean the house a little. Have a few errands to run, bills to pay, and some friends might come over later. Come Monday, I actually get to go into the office! It’s time for compiling our annual report to donors and it’s difficult to do remotely so 3 of us have been given approval to be at the office. The list of dos and don’ts is pretty lengthy but it will be nice to see some of my co-workers.

    In other news, I’m closer to my goal of relocating north of the border. I received my citizenship certificate, my passport is in process and I’m filling in all the paperwork to sponsor hubby for his resident visa. Fingers crossed but in about another year we may finally be on our way. The paperwork and documents needed is crazy but I understand completely the need to thoroughly vet potential immigrants.

    • dubravkamcvmd August 22, 2020 / 1:27 pm

      Getting Canadian citizenship! I’m green with envy. Getting out at the right time. I have cousins in Vancouver – it’s beautiful.

      • AJ August 22, 2020 / 3:32 pm

        It was literally riding on someone else’s coat tails- both parents weren’t naturalized US citizens when I was born so I was able to claim it through my Mom who had born in Canada. And her parents we’re born there also and I think we figured out after doing that genetic testing you mail in, I can even claim Indigenous heritage through a great grandparent. With all that I think I always felt more Canadian than American.

        • fkaWaldenPond August 22, 2020 / 5:54 pm

          Congrats! (A little biased here.) I am Canadian but did the same thing as you for my Irish passport. Where do you plan to settle when you move up here AJ?

          • AJ August 22, 2020 / 6:02 pm

            Probably in BC, most likely Vancouver area. Where are you located.

  2. Jan B. August 22, 2020 / 10:52 am

    Penny is gorgeous! Even if she is flipping us off!

    Pawtitude of the week:


  3. Duckie 🐥 August 22, 2020 / 11:32 am

    Blessed rain. Blessed weekend. Blessed Cutetropolis.
    I have a temporary iPad, so I can finally visit. But my eye is not doing well, so I must be quick.
    Gorgeous Penny. Gorgeous Lily.
    Cooler weather.
    Hubby new job going well, but I hate that he has evening shifts.
    Weight loss at fifty pounds plus.
    Duckie has started incorporating words into her repertoire. I have to listen carefully, but she uses I love you, duckie, hi, and a wolf whistle. There are also hints of blue jay and chickadee in her vocalizations. She has started checking out veggies when I stick them in the bars of her cage.
    Planning two writing projects for fall.
    Lots of hope going on here. Sending oodles of it to everyone.
    AJ, where are you planning to settle in Canada?
    Take care, stay safe, and have a great weekend.

    • AJ August 22, 2020 / 12:25 pm

      Good to hear from you Duckie. Sounds like a lot is going right for you which is great considering all the issues you had to deal with in the last year. We’ll probably move somewhere in BC, most likely Vancouver area where there seems to be most of the jobs me and hubby are qualified for. If I remember correctly you’re also in BC so we might be neighbors. I’ll have to come say hi and meet little Duckie.

      • Duckie 🐥 August 22, 2020 / 12:53 pm


  4. allein August 22, 2020 / 1:33 pm

    It’s the floof finger! So much worse than the middle one.

    Not much going on today. Gotta do some chores and get a grocery list together. Next week I work Monday and Tuesday and then I’m off the rest of the week,, and my boss is off all week so it should be pretty quiet. The quarterly reports were done last week, and a couple of them usually require some back and forth with providing comments for audit purposes but yesterday he emailed me and said he had approved them all and I did a good job, which was especially nice to hear since my supervisor is out on maternity leave so there was no secondary check for them like usual.

    Finally taking my car in for service on Wednesday (it was due for an oil change, at least, back in March, but I was driving so little and things were so uncertain I figured it could wait, but now I’m driving to the office twice a week and I’m not sure if September will be the same or not yet). I called last Thursday to make the appointment and they’re limiting appointments for people who have to wait there for it and the first I was able to get would have been this Tuesday (but I asked for later in the week and got Wednesday). Also thinking of seeing if I can get my hair cut on Thursday (my stylist is there Thursday and Saturday and one other day) but I can’t decided if I’m ready for that risk.

    Quick question: Where do I find a tiny house hippo?

  5. Debg August 22, 2020 / 1:46 pm

    So much sweetness today! Penny is definitely flipping us off, but I love her don’t do it attitude! Gorgeous girl, along with A Lily visit and a house hippo.

    Duckie, good to hear from you. Stay well.

    Like Allein, I only this week completed the oil change I needed back in March. Why change the oil for the car that’s sitting in a garage!? I bundled appointments that day: oil change, dentist, and vet. Ran myself ragged, but at least all those things are done!

    This coming week, I finally get to see the doctor about my elbow. Arnica cream is helping a lot (thanks, Tara!) but it sucks to ache if I knit or spin too long.

    Hopefully nobody dies this weekend. I’m taking everything easy.

  6. N. Fritz August 22, 2020 / 1:47 pm

    Hello Cutetropolitans! not sure what I’ve shared in the past few weeks. I moved to Vienna and I passed a high stakes German language test that should allow me to continue teaching. We’ll see…

    Today I finished filling out a lot of forms: 2018 and 2019 taxes (US), voters registration (US), and change of address in Austria. I am going to take it easy tomorrow!

    I send you all best wishes for the weekend and the coming week!

    • Debg August 22, 2020 / 2:20 pm

      Congrats on your test! Hope you’re enjoying Vienna.

      • N. Fritz August 22, 2020 / 2:28 pm

        Thanks, DebG! I am getting used to being in the big city after 7 years in the country. Trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up 😂😂😂

    • dubravkamcvmd August 22, 2020 / 6:14 pm

      You told us you were in Vienna (I guess I remembered that because I so much loved Vienna the one time I was there). Congratulations on your test!

      • N. Fritz August 23, 2020 / 10:39 am

        Thanks Dubravka! Vienna has lots to offer and I know I’ll get used to it but right now it’s such a big change from the district of 2000 that I moved here from!

  7. allein August 22, 2020 / 5:50 pm

    So I thought I’d share this…there’s a facebook group called “View From My Window” where people post…uh..the view from their window…. They started it when quarantine started and there are people posting from all over the world. Someone in Arizona had a pregnant bobcat who decided her yard was a good place to have her babies, and she can see them from her window, so she’s been posting videos as they grow. Then she made a youtube channel that she includes in all her posts so people who come across them can go watch all of them rather than trying to find her posts in the group. So now I’m following her.

    So I give you Roberta T. Cat and her babies, Beulah, Li’l Bit, Bruiser and Buttnipper:
    Start from the earliest and watch them grow up.

    • AJ August 22, 2020 / 10:33 pm

      Thank you Allein! This sounds amazing. Going to check out videos now.

    • Julie August 23, 2020 / 8:19 am

      ok….one of the babies is named “buttnipper”!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

      • allein August 23, 2020 / 9:18 am

        • Debg August 23, 2020 / 1:49 pm

          Dying fromthe cute. Love watching this family.

    • dubravkamcvmd August 23, 2020 / 9:24 am

      These videos are amazing, but the Mom is so skinny! She seems really young too. The expression on her face in the first video is moving – her concern and worry and hope – plus she is BEAUTIFUL! Those eyes!

      • allein August 23, 2020 / 10:17 am

        Yeah, she seems smaller than I would have expected; then again, we don’t have bobcats around here (I don’t think) so what would I know? I might have been picturing a mountain lion when I read “bobcat,” though.

        In one of the later videos she has a visitor, and doesn’t seem to be bothered by him. I wondered if he’s the dad (or the next dad…apparently dad doesn’t normally stick around, but I believe she still has several more months before the babies will be ready to go off on their own so I dunno).

        I love the one where she jumps to the top of the wall like it’s nothing. (Though she does it in two steps; the male visitor just jumps right to the top when he leaves.) And when Bruiser learns to jump…looks like he has some practicing to do.

        Someone asked in the comments on one if she knows the people are there. “She” answered yes, she does, even though they try to be discreet. I’m amazed she decided to have them so close to a house, but it looks like there’s some kind of privacy wall so I guess she thought it would make a good den. I assume the owners don’t go over there, other than filming through the window (and it seems there’s a motion detector camera; don’t know if that was put out for that purpose or if it was just part of a security system or something that was already there).

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