16 thoughts on “Web of Deceit

  1. allein August 24, 2020 / 3:24 pm

    How did this cat get in my house? ๐Ÿ‘€

  2. Debg August 24, 2020 / 3:24 pm

    I totally buy this cat’s story.

    It’s a good thing this kitty didn’t visit my house.

    • 6rabbits August 26, 2020 / 11:42 am

      Same here!

  3. SoccerSue August 24, 2020 / 3:25 pm

    We live in the woods and Lahara liked to explore both the outdoors and the garage, so this was a common sight in our house.

  4. AJ August 24, 2020 / 3:34 pm

    Kitty must also have gone outside my house. For some reason spiders are very plentiful in my neighborhood, they are quite literally everywhere around the house. Iโ€™ll brush one down and 5 minutes later itโ€™s baack. Half the time I look like Iโ€™m walking without my glasses on as I have my hands out to make sure I donโ€™t walk face first into a web.

    • Alice Shortcake August 25, 2020 / 4:13 am

      Almost every morning I get a faceful of web at the bottom of my back yard, woven by the few spiders who failed to crawl through the bathroom window during the night.

  5. Blue Footed Booby August 24, 2020 / 4:06 pm

    Earlier today I had a tiny spider bungee jump from my hairline down in front of my eyeline. I just saw this blurry thing moving. I had to catch the thread on a finger and transfer him to a landscape that isn’t me. He was yellow and very very smol.

    • AJ August 24, 2020 / 6:33 pm

      Have had that happen too many times to count. Or they show up somewhere in the house (mostly the bathroom) and I call it liberation time for the crawlies. Like, liberate them to the outside!

  6. Ricky & Bibi's Mom August 24, 2020 / 4:07 pm


  7. Brouhaha August 24, 2020 / 4:34 pm

    That is just a goth wedding veil!

  8. SoccerSue August 24, 2020 / 9:15 pm

    I have a Stealth Cam video of a bear walking down the trail in our woods and he has spider webs on his face. ๐Ÿ˜€

    • Debg August 24, 2020 / 9:41 pm

      Share plz!

      • SoccerSue August 24, 2020 / 11:31 pm

        I’ll upload it to YouTube before I go to bed tonight and then post the link.

        • AJ August 25, 2020 / 12:21 am

          Thatโ€™s funny. All I can think of is the movie Shrek where Princess Fiona makes a cotton candy style snack from a tree branch and webs. He looks like he was eating one of them. Thanks for sharing!

        • Debg August 25, 2020 / 9:45 am

          So cool! Thanks!

          I like to imagine Lahara walking around with cobwebs all over her beautiful face.

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