Tongue Signal

Attention drivers: Are you fed up with road hogs, lane changers, and other highway menaces? Do you want to express your feelings without risking an incident of road rage? Then come to your local shelter and for a limited time adopt one of our specially trained passive-aggressive driver disapproval dogs! Just put them in your car, and they’ll tell other drivers how you really feel!

dog sticks out tongue in car
Hey, grandpa! Your blinker’s on! (Reddit)

via Sharon H.

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9 thoughts on “Tongue Signal

  1. allein September 22, 2020 / 12:07 pm

    I want one! Do they come in Chihuahua?

  2. michael (not him) September 22, 2020 / 12:17 pm

    I can see this being very popular.

  3. dubravkamcvmd September 22, 2020 / 12:18 pm

    I want one too! I don’t drive but I could definitely use it in just walking around. Since the gym in my building is closed, my exercise is walking on the streets. I would like this pup to express my feelings to the people not wearing masks.

  4. murkle46 September 22, 2020 / 2:40 pm

  5. Emsthemonster September 22, 2020 / 3:10 pm

    This is brilliant! I would like 2 dogs, a passive-aggressive one and a super-cutie as well.
    Both for preventing road rage incidents.

    I wish there was a way to tell elderly men with huge expensive SUVs that I don’t despise them. For most women, driving is just getting from point A to point B, it is not about an imaginary hierarchy of wealth and/or skill.

    If I overtake them with my old lil’ Toyota, it means I’m in a hurry, or they are driving outrageouly slowly (most probably meddling with gps on their phones/texting/browsing) and they are holding up all the 253 other cars as well behind us. I would use the kind dog to make them calm down.

    The passive-aggressive one would be great when 55+ years old men with very old cars decide that women should not drive and all should be overtaken/humiliated/punished regardless whether the old guys’ cars can still do it or not. I feel so sorry for them for all the struggle they put in their belief, it reminds me of the Sisyphos myth. If being overtaken made me sad, I could spend the whole day crying and I won’t quit driving over threatening gestures either. I usually even step on the brake if there isn’t someone behind me to help the old fools overtake me, you can never know how many cheap victories they can still get. I don’t want them to get a heart attack on the highway either.

    • allein September 22, 2020 / 3:40 pm

      I saw a super-cute doggie on my way to work this morning. I always wish I could pull over and pet them.

      If there is a place to do it, I will pull over for people driving really aggressively behind me. I had a guy tailgating me one morning and I pulled into a small gravel patch on the side of the road (which is actually the entrance to something but you can’t really tell for all the bushes) just to let him pass, since I knew there wasn’t a passing zone for a bit. I also had a FedEx truck once come barreling up behind me, then proceed to tailgating; he scared me so much I pulled onto the (wide) shoulder as if I was going to turn onto a side street. A couple days later I saw what I assume was the same driver do the same thing to someone else, in the same area (but I was behind him). I wish I could have written down info to report him.

      (I will also pull over for people being just generally stupid, if I can. A couple weeks ago a woman was behind me sort of weaving around the lane; I just didn’t trust her. So I pulled over so she would pass me, then ended up with about five more cars between us by the time I was able to pull back into the road. And once the person in front of me was drifting so much that I pulled over just because I was terrified he’d crash and I didn’t want to see it, even though I was staying welllll behind him. I pulled into the parking area for a trailhead and just sat there for a few minutes, half expecting to pass an accident once I got back on the road. Thankfully I did not.)

      • Emsthemonster September 23, 2020 / 8:56 am

        Last week I was trying to get out of my narrow street early in the morning. The sun was rising and totally blinding me, so I was driving very slowly. Then an impatient guy appeared behind me so I pulled over on someone’s drive. Much to my surprise the guy did the same and then one more car joined us. The guy got out of his car and waved at me. The guy asked why I had pulled over, was there something on the road? I told him that I had wanted to let him go because obviously he was faster. Then he said he couldn’t see anything and had hoped I would lead the way out of the street 🙂

    • dubravkamcvmd September 22, 2020 / 6:58 pm

      This makes me glad I don’t drive. I would hate to have to contemplate the crippled psyches of child-like men driving dangerous instruments near me. You are very patient.

      • Emsthemonster September 23, 2020 / 8:58 am

        I’m not sure I would be driving, had I known in advance what it would be like.

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