Links: Baby Cthulhu

Cute squid, big-eyed cat, 50-50 bird, potoroo joey, and playful goat

And finally: Oh, You’re Getting Such a Head-Butt!

Oh, you haven’t had enough, eh? Have at you! (via Amy F.)

Why are you so stubborn?

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9 thoughts on “Links: Baby Cthulhu

  1. allein October 14, 2020 / 8:24 am

    But can you put bells on bobtail squid?

  2. dubravkamcvmd October 14, 2020 / 9:24 am

    EVERYBODY is just adorable!

  3. AJ October 14, 2020 / 11:36 am

    So much cuteness!! The lil kittens! The dog butting goat! Weird but totally adorable animals! Great start to hump day. And did anyone else first read the word potoroo as patootie? Guess I need more coffee.

  4. tagathax October 14, 2020 / 12:07 pm

    That tiny squid is so adorable! It also reminds me of dumbo octopuses. Octopi? I never remember this.

  5. Julie October 14, 2020 / 4:06 pm

    The squid reminded me of this show on Netflix – My Octopus Teacher. It is really worth the watch.

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