Hey, what can I say? I’m a cat, and cats love milk, right? It’s my favorite thing in the whole world. The other day, my friend Marcy told me “Y’know, I heard that if you drink too much milk you will actually turn into milk.” That’s got to be like the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard.
via Andrew Y.
Now I want to see the milk mustache this kitty would leave behind!
Deb, I looked all over the interwebs and I could not find a single kitten moustache. Beards, toupees, even sideburns, but no ‘staches. I even found kitten chest hair, but…
Kitten chest hair? I’m almost afraid to ask.
Is kitty’s schnoz pressed up against the side of the container?
Looks like it…
I think if your milk grows a head, you probably shouldn’t drink it.
It’s foam!
oh, that Marcy.
total now-it-all