Bad dogs, elephant ultrasound, Jabba the basset, gay penguin dads, and floppy ferret
‘Guilty Dog’ Challenge Got People Competing About Whose Dog Is Naughtiest
Bored Panda, via Andrew Y.
And finally: Ferret Flop
Fatigued ferret falls face forward. Floomp! (via Alice Shortcake)
Naughty dogs and kneady kittens, what a way to start a Friday.
Since it’s started snowing, here’s a Christmas carol.
That calico kitten totally melted my brain! I don’t dare look at the heffalump ultrasound.
When the ferret began sliding, I cracked up. The faceplant has me ROFLMAOing.
The only thing that could improve the ferret clip is the sound of a falling tree.
And log sawing sounds…zzzz as the tree falls…
RE: gay penguins. Did anyone see the article a while back about the diary that was found in Antarctica, a remnant of the Scott expedition? It was written by a naturalist, all in Greek, and it focused on the sexual depravity of penguins! And the reason it was in Greek was to protect Victorian sensibilities and that only scholars would be exposed to the details of their promiscuous ways. A friend of mine wrote the most hilarious song called “The Prurient Penguins of Cape Adare” in response. I must learn it one of these days.