Incident at the Cliffs

I remember it even now, after all these years, the horror of it still vivid. We were staying at a resort on the coast of Spain, perched high on a cliff overlooking the ocean. The windows were open and the salt breeze cooled our skin.

I was playing with my favorite toy Mr. Bouncy, so named because it bounced around the room, off the table and through the open window. Frantically I meowed for my human. “It’s all right,” he said, looking out. “It landed on a ledge. I’ll get it.”

But as he stepped out, the ancient bricks gave way and he plunged into the waves far below. I reached for him but it was too late. My last memory of that day was the vision of Mr. Bouncy bobbing out to sea. I really miss that toy.

Cat reaches for man's hand
Kinda miss the human too, but they can be replaced. (Reddit)

Gotta have priorities, Sharon H.

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11 thoughts on “Incident at the Cliffs

  1. Dulcie December 16, 2020 / 2:22 pm

    Wonderful Mike! 🤣🤣🤣

  2. allein 🐾 December 16, 2020 / 2:24 pm

    I like how kitty color-coordinates with the house…

  3. Debg December 16, 2020 / 3:25 pm

    Anybody else flashing back to The Lion King? No? Just me, then.

  4. Georgiana December 16, 2020 / 3:28 pm

    Almost thought I was reading a Daphne du Maurier story.

    • Debg December 16, 2020 / 5:10 pm

      I had the same thought! Have you seen the new Netflix production of Rebecca? I thought it was far superior to Hitchcock’s.

  5. Luv Bunny December 16, 2020 / 4:07 pm

    So like a cat, worried more about the Mr. Bouncy toy than the hoomin. Okay Mike, what’s the next chapter to this story? You left us at a cliff hanger part in the story.

    • Kar December 16, 2020 / 4:24 pm

      So to speak.

  6. Puddleglum December 16, 2020 / 4:22 pm


    Cue hysterical sobbing.

  7. AJ December 16, 2020 / 4:26 pm

    Bwahahaha!!! This is brilliant! And the hover text, that is such a cat but just remember can openers don’t operate themselves.

  8. fkaWaldenPond December 16, 2020 / 7:40 pm

    BIG SPLASH …. kerplop…… sigh

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