First Day of Obedience School

“Okay, sweetie, we’re here. There’s a juice box and money for kibble in your backpack, and please be nice to your teacher. I don’t care how many times your father tells that story, they don’t like it when you do that thing to their leg.”

Ah, this brings back memories, Tina M.

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10 thoughts on “First Day of Obedience School

  1. Georgiana January 18, 2021 / 11:16 am

    But mom, all the big boys do it!

  2. Dana January 18, 2021 / 11:27 am

    LOL, perfect story to go along with that photo!

    And, the little puppers feet sticking up….ded.

    • Duckie ๐Ÿฅ January 18, 2021 / 12:19 pm

      Heโ€™s so round his feet canโ€™t reach the seat!

      • Ricky & Bibi's Mom January 18, 2021 / 3:06 pm

        Round puppy is round!

  3. ^oo^ January 18, 2021 / 11:45 am

    I call matchinks! (I don’t think I misspelled that correctly…) The dogs, the seat covers- but what’s with the plaid?

    Can I attend this obedience school if I don’t have a puppy? You know, like auditing?

    • allein ๐Ÿพ January 18, 2021 / 12:29 pm

      I was noticing the lovely color coordination. It looks so warm inside the car with the golden browns, especially compared to the grayish sky and leafless trees outside.

      I like how pup’s hair is so neatly combed for the first day of school.

    • Muppet2171 January 18, 2021 / 3:41 pm

      I looked at some of the comments on the actual post. The plaid is apparently the photographer’s family tartan.

      • ^oo^ January 18, 2021 / 7:21 pm

        Ah, yes of course- the McTreever clan.

  4. Debg January 18, 2021 / 1:01 pm

    Am I the only one who noticed the privacy tail?

    Also thunk.

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