16 thoughts on “Kale Smile!

  1. dubravkamcvmd January 31, 2021 / 9:02 am

    Wow! Olive has star quality!

  2. Georgiana January 31, 2021 / 9:11 am

    I love the little nub of a tongue peeking out.

  3. 6rabbits January 31, 2021 / 9:28 am

    The teeny tongue is cute! My bun has that grin 3x a week. He’d climb in the frig and ravage the kale if he knew how!

  4. Luv Bunny January 31, 2021 / 9:54 am

    Adorable bun bun face! I want to boop that nose. However, I’d have a constant leer on my face with most fresh greens and veggies. A simple romaine lettuce, carrot, tomato and egg, side salad is enough for me.

  5. Dulcie January 31, 2021 / 10:19 am

    Oh those adorable whisker dots!

  6. allein 🐾 January 31, 2021 / 10:59 am

    I would think the grimace would come from red cabbage…y’know, because it’s purple…and Grimace is purple…

    (Apparently this is from a recipe called Grimace Juice.)

  7. Murray C. January 31, 2021 / 11:19 am

    Cracking kale, Olive!

  8. ^oo^ January 31, 2021 / 11:44 am

    Only a friend would tell you.. but you’ve got a little bit of kale on your teeth…

    • Murray C. January 31, 2021 / 11:46 am

      πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚! (My rollicking emoji is back!!!)

    • debg January 31, 2021 / 1:58 pm

      First thing I thought of too!

      Love Olive’s smile.

  9. AJ January 31, 2021 / 5:22 pm

    Olive is pretty much the only one smiling when it comes to kale. She can have all of it as far as I’m concerned. Give lovely romaine or butter lettuce or arugula any day.

  10. Duckie πŸ₯ January 31, 2021 / 6:41 pm

    Are those eye lashes?

  11. Dulcie January 31, 2021 / 7:25 pm

    Now I remember why Olive’s expression seems familiar! Is anyone familiar with Wallace and Gromit?

    • Murray C. January 31, 2021 / 9:43 pm

      That’s why I wrote ” Cracking kale, Olive” – but I’m afraid it didn’t translate!😝

      • Dulcie January 31, 2021 / 11:39 pm

        Okay yes! It took me a while duh!! 😁

        • Murray C. February 1, 2021 / 11:24 am


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