Meanwhile, at Frogwart’s…

“Welcome back, students, and I hope all of you enjoyed your holiday break. By now, the more astute among you may have noticed a certain change in my appearance, and rather than ignore the elephant in the room let us use this as a teachable moment about one of the hazards of spellcasting. While it may be useful to practice in front of a mirror, it’s important that the mirror not be facing directly towards you.”

toad in wizard hat
Anyone who can change me back gets an A for the course.
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4 thoughts on “Meanwhile, at Frogwart’s…

  1. Debg March 4, 2021 / 11:49 am

    Mike, you’ve outdone yourself.

    And squeeeee at the little froggie in its costume! Reminds me of the “Harry, you’re a lizard” meme.

  2. allein 🐾 March 4, 2021 / 11:54 am

    A chocolate frog became a professor?

  3. Debg March 4, 2021 / 11:58 am

    Never forget the wizard Baruffio, who said F instead of S and found himself on the floor with a buffalo on his chest.

  4. AJ March 4, 2021 / 3:45 pm

    I love everything about this!!! Cutie frog seems a little perturbed by the change.

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