Weekend Open Thread

Today may be the first day of spring, but it looks like Mrs. Hattie Perkins is still hibernating here in the chat room. She’s curled up like a cinnamon roll, says sender-inner Jecsea (adding “If only she smelled like one.”). So feel free to talk about whatever you want, but try not to wake her.

sleeping cat
Hey, if you want me to smell like cinnamon rolls, try feeding me some.
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16 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. AJ March 20, 2021 / 8:39 am

    Mmmm cinnamon rolls. And Mrs. Hattie. Perfect combo to start the weekend. Just had a cat purring in my ear, sounded like a Harley starting up it’s engine. Finally got my first jab this week, and aside from a little soreness in the injection area, I feel fine! Had friends over last night that are also either fully vaccinated or had their first jab and it felt so good to give out hugs. Weekend here promises to be busy, errands today and Mustang club get together tomorrow. I’m starting to feel like things are finally getting better. We’re even planning a trip to the Grand Canyon next month for our friend’s twin girls’ birthday. Happy weekend and hope it’s sunny in your corner of the world.

  2. allein 🐾 March 20, 2021 / 8:54 am

    I would love to hibernate with Mrs. Hattie Perkins and some cinnamon rolls; alas, I have to go to the dentist.

    Just got an email this morning that I’m getting a credit on my cable bill, because “Due to the widespread impact of COVID-19, many sporting events last year were canceled or postponed. As a result, we are working on your behalf to secure refunds from the local sports networks for live sports you missed during that time.” Uh, yeah, I really missed those. Totally. I want my money back. (Not that I don’t appreciate a little money back, but the only sporting event I watch is the Puppy Bowl.)

    Yesterday was three years since my mom’s sister died. 🙁 The weird thing is I was thinking about it in the days prior, but didn’t think about it at all on the day until later when my mom sent me a picture and then I saw some pictures my cousin posted on facebook. And I found out the other day that said aunt’s grandson has covid. He’s in his mid-20s and otherwise healthy, so hopefully he’ll be okay. He started having symptoms Monday and was feeling a little better Thursday, apparently. My mom said he went out with some friends on Saturday and they are sick, too. I wonder if one of them already had it and shared or if they all picked it up from wherever they were.

    AJ – It is sunny here in New Jersey. Supposed to be in the mid-50s this afternoon. My dentist appointment is at 11; maybe I’ll go to the park or something afterward.

    • Sedro6 March 20, 2021 / 11:20 am

      Better than most school photos. All dressed up and with hair combed.

      • ^oo^ March 20, 2021 / 11:30 am

        And a tie!

  3. Debg March 20, 2021 / 11:34 am

    I love Mrs. Hattie’s paw curled under her head! And the guide dog’s school photos: every school should have a dog in its yearbook.

    Happy Caturday, everybody. My day off yesterday was so nice: set up my new outdoor cameras (though I still have to install them outdoors), added the motor to my drum carder to blend spinnable fibers, then made some beautiful yarn–all while listening to Watership Down, which I haven’t re-read for many years. The reader is the same actor who read Louise Penny’s early Inspector Gamache books–he’s fantastic.

    More fiber fun on the horizon: I’m finally buying the loom of my dream! My employee discount and my boss’s generosity in stretching out payments are making it happen!

    As of yesterday, I’m eligible for the vaccine in Colorado! It will take a while to get an appointment, but there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

    More yarn- and fiber-related activities will happen over the weekend. I’m also nibbling away at the large issue of moving: it’s so complicated because of my cats, my financial situation, and my (ahem) very specific needs. The current house is 55 miles away from my job, needs some expensive repairs to the plumbing system, and still needs a lot of cosmetic work inside (it’s tough for me to live in an ugly place). But I have to remember that a new house won’t automatically solve all my problems, and that moving itself will put many stresses into my life. This how-and-why-and-should-I process will help clear my brain.

    Hugs to you all!

    • Dulcie March 20, 2021 / 11:31 pm

      Love the Inspector Gamache books.
      Haven’t heard any audio versions but I tend to create my own voices for the characters as I read so that’s kinda the same?

      • Debg March 21, 2021 / 12:38 pm

        Yes, definitely. I’m too lazy to do that, so I get audiobooks! My local library has a digital program where I can borrow them for my devices.

  4. Duckie 🐥 March 20, 2021 / 11:37 am

    Happy first day of spring.

  5. Georgiana March 20, 2021 / 12:25 pm

    I love Spring it’s my favourite season, not too cold and not too hot and no bugs!

    I’ve already started to walk more (doctor’s orders) since the snow has melted on the sidewalks. Yesterday I walked to the store (3.5k) and the wind was so cold it actually hurt my face and I almost turned around but didn’t.

    They said it’s going to reach 16c here this week!! How’s the weather where you are?

    • allein 🐾 March 20, 2021 / 3:24 pm

      Sunny here. It was a little chilly when I left for the dentist, but not so cold that I couldn’t leave my coat in the car for the 10 seconds walk into the building. Afterwards I went to the bookstore, then to Target, then dumped my purchases near the table, then went back out and took a walk. It was 46F when I left the dentist around 11:30 but 56F now (which google tells me is approximately 13C). No wind so it was really nice.

  6. Alice Shortcake March 20, 2021 / 2:27 pm

    Spring has sprung with a vengeance in my part of England. Last week I took Dad for his second vaccination on a fairly warm afternoon, which was all to the good as we had to stand in a long line outdoors for the Pfizer jab. Rather confusingly, I got an email informing me that my second jab scheduled for 28th May had been cancelled…but when I tried to book a new date I was assured that there have been no cancellations! Weird.

    In other news, I successfully dyed an old blue jacket black but failed to examine my rubber gloves for holes, so I now have an indigo thumb. The new washing machine is highly satisfactory, I’m poised to upload the 2021 census info tomorrow, and I have 12,640 points on Bored Panda!

  7. Kar March 20, 2021 / 6:18 pm

    My neck hurts just looking at Miss Hattie.

    Sunny but chill day, felt relaxed, too relaxed, given the amount of work that I need to catch up on.

    Bingeing on my new reality show fix, “To Catch a Smuggler.” I just can’t imagine someone thinking that it’s a good idea to ingest 30 condoms of smack, obviously I live a different life style.

    Also asked to help moderate a panel at work addressing Anti-Asian violence. A little anxious and it would be nice if my manager was supportive, rather than give me a “you better not get behind on your work” talk.

    • dubravkamcvmd March 20, 2021 / 8:32 pm

      Wait, you’re asked to moderate a panel on Anti-Asian violence at work and then your manager tells you you better not get behind in your work as a result? I’m sorry. I hope they’re some way you can get away from him because he’s either stupid or hostile or maybe both.

      • Dulcie March 20, 2021 / 11:35 pm

        Yeah wow. That’s so backwards Kar. I agree with Dubra on this.

        • Debg March 21, 2021 / 12:38 pm

          Agreed. Your boss is a jerk.

          • kar March 21, 2021 / 4:26 pm

            yeah,already accepted that hes a jerk. trying to hold on till the company gets bought up next year and can get a package.

            thanks guys for your support.

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