41 thoughts on “Weekend Open Thread

  1. allein 🐾 March 27, 2021 / 8:24 am

    There’s a little space there…I can fit…

    No plans this weekend except laundry and cleaning and stuff. I woke up at 6:30 for no discernable reason. Was going to go back to sleep but decided to get up after a bit instead. Yesterday was so nice outside and I would have gone to the park after work, except for the fact that I thought I was going to blow across the parking lot when I stepped out of the front door.

    Mabel is afraid of dinosaurs and Olive cheats at poker. 

    • JenDeyan March 27, 2021 / 10:46 am

      I saw that one. I’m with Mabel when it comes to dinosaurs. They scary!

      • Debg March 27, 2021 / 12:25 pm

        Dinosaurs are one of my phobia animals.

      • kar March 27, 2021 / 4:06 pm

        Kind of curious about why the farmer got so angry.

        • allein 🐾 March 27, 2021 / 10:40 pm

          Maybe Mabel tried to bite his dinosaur cow.

    • dubravkamcvmd March 27, 2021 / 11:22 am

      I just cannot believe how funny he is.

      • Dulcie March 27, 2021 / 11:28 am

        And the excellent production!

      • Debg March 27, 2021 / 12:26 pm

        He really is talented. I consider finding Andrew Cotter one of the few silver linings of 2020.

  2. 6rabbits March 27, 2021 / 9:00 am

    I want the kitteh on the left! She/he can come to my house and be cuddled continuously.🥰

    Wind was very strong here this week too. Warnings of blowing trash cans, and It’s a good thing there’s a fence around the school playground!

    • ^oo^ March 27, 2021 / 11:46 am

      So the children don’t blow away?

      • 6rabbits March 27, 2021 / 5:15 pm

        Egg-ZACK-ly!😁 Some second graders are SMALL!

  3. AJ March 27, 2021 / 9:31 am

    How adorable!! One of my favorite kitties – Siamese. I’m with Allein, there’s just enough room to squeeze in, like a cat I fits, I sits. Or just scoop them all up on your lap for a cuddle session. Bam Bam here has now appropriated my office chair, he’s been nick named Mr. President. At least when I go to use it, he’s pre-warmed the seat, lol.

    Been windy, cool, and a little rainy the last few days. It’s supposed to be nice here today with temps hitting the mid 70s. Have errands to run today plus doing laundry. Might do something fun tomorrow if we can figure out what’s open. Maybe, dare I say it?, like a movie in a movie theater??? We’ll see. Last weekend’s ride up to Malibu was fun but looong. Didn’t really realize just how far it was up the coast from San Diego plus the traffic on Highway 1 was crowded. I think everyone decided since it was a nice day, to get out to the beach. Ended up being about 12 hours round trip between driving up, making a few gas pit stops, having a meal break, and then driving back. I’m hoping the next cruise is less driving.

    • Leigh March 27, 2021 / 12:47 pm

      12 hours, yikes! We drove up to Malibu a year or so ago just to check it out, and found it to be HIGHLY overrated. Bumper to bumper all the way through. I guess all those celebrities have helicopters to get them in & out! 🙄

  4. ^oo^ March 27, 2021 / 11:43 am

    Chat is French for cat. Makes sense to me. Move over please.

  5. Debg March 27, 2021 / 12:33 pm

    All the littles will fit on my lap! So sweet.

    Looking forward to a quiet weekend after a bear of a week: baking thank you cookies tomorrow, going through my weaving yarns to plan a project, the usual chores around the house. Plus moving my new loom into the loom room!!!!

    Yes, peeps, I’m now the proud owner of an 8-shaft Baby Wolf loom! They accidentally made an extra one at work, and I get a sweeeeet employee discount. When I went down yesterday, a coworker loaded the loom into my car. It’s now sitting in my living room, because the door to the loom room needs to be cleared out. I may actually have to take it off the hinges (which is fine because it’s a crap door anyway).

    Another ray of sunshine: I was able to sign up for my first vaccination shot today. Going in on Thursday morning, about 5 miles away. It was a bear to wade through the system signing up for waiting lists, etc., so I’m thrilled that the appointment itself was easy to schedule. Next week is going to be better than this past one. I’m determined.

    • Alice Shortcake March 27, 2021 / 1:28 pm

      I’m intrigued. How does anyone ‘accidentally’ make an extra loom?!

      • Debg March 27, 2021 / 1:38 pm

        Remember that you asked!

        We make looms only on order, and customers can ask for a few special options, like having the loom predrilled for a High Castle Tray. Our production manager accidentally asked for 2 looms predrilled for the tray, when only 1 had been ordered. The next predrilled loom wasn’t supposed to go out until the end of April, and we don’t have space to store the loom for a month. So it came home to me! Everybody wins!!!

    • belphebe March 27, 2021 / 2:22 pm

      Congrats on the new loom, Debg!

      I purchased my first loom this week, a small rigid heddle loom by Ashford: the Sample It (SampleIt) in the 16-inch width. It’s what my local yarn store had in stock, and by local, I really mean local! They recently moved to a location that is a 10-minute walk for me.

      I finally bought a loom because I have a lot of crochet cotton to use up and decided that weaving might be faster or more enjoyable than crocheting. This will give me good practice learning how to weave. Once I get a little better, I’ll invest in better quality yarn.

      In preparation for getting a loom, I’ve been watching lots of youtube videos, and they’ve shown me that I’m missing a key element in my weaving practice: a cat! So, I’ll just try to entice a couple of those lovelies off that chair and see if they want to “assist” me in learning how to weave.

      • Debg March 27, 2021 / 2:55 pm

        Weaving will definitely be faster, though it won’t use up as much yarn. Crochet takes more yarn than any other yarn craft!

        You definitely want kitties to help with weaving. There are also excellent books, online classes, etc. along with YouTube. Liz Gipson at Yarnworker.com has superlatively good stuff–she’s one of the rigid heddle devotees, along with my boss Jane Patrick.

        • 6rabbits March 27, 2021 / 5:38 pm

          Really? Crochet takes the most yarn? That’s not fair—and totally explains why I’m always broke!😉

    • Emsthemonster March 27, 2021 / 2:47 pm

      Congratulations on your Baby Wolf!

    • 6rabbits March 27, 2021 / 5:33 pm

      Yay! for the loom!💙

    • AJ March 27, 2021 / 7:46 pm

      Yipee DebG on getting your appointment for the jab. And great way of getting a loom, sounds like you’re going to have lots of fun with it. I was thinking of trying to learn to weave but I’ve come to the conclusion that when they gave out the creative gene, I was in the shallow end of the pool. Plus having arthritis in the hands doesn’t help. Enjoy the loom!

    • Dulcie March 27, 2021 / 8:47 pm

      Hee hee 🤣

  6. Duckie 🐥 March 27, 2021 / 3:18 pm

    I get shot next Saturday!

    • Debg March 27, 2021 / 3:36 pm

      Somebody–can’t remember who anymore–remarked a few weeks ago that they’d never been so excited to get a shot. I completely agree.

      • Duckie 🐥 March 27, 2021 / 4:04 pm

        I know.

      • AJ March 27, 2021 / 7:26 pm

        Yeah Duckie!!!!! That was probably me. Had my first shot about 2 weeks ago and in about another week, I’ll be fully vaccinated. So thrilled that I’ve even had a few dreams about walking around places with no mask and actually hugging people, lol.

  7. Not That Mike The Other Mike March 27, 2021 / 8:40 pm

    Hey, all! So happy to hear about folks getting or about to get their vaccine! I just got mine a few days ago and I go back for the second jab next month. Didn’t even hurt, and the embedded 5G microchip improves my phone reception. (Thanks, Bill Gates!)

    Some Vera news: She has a new favorite place to sit by the large sliding glass door overlooking the backyard. I think she is very interested in the outdoors, so I plan to set up a small portable cage and set her inside to see what she thinks about it.

    • Debg March 27, 2021 / 8:43 pm

      Hurrah for Vera! A field trip sounds like a great idea!

      Looking forward to 5G reception myself.

    • 6rabbits March 27, 2021 / 9:04 pm

      Theo likes to look out the patio window also. He really likes it when the screen is there. He loves to sniff the outside air.
      Hi Vera!👋🏼

    • Kar March 27, 2021 / 10:26 pm

      Something wistful about this shot. Bet she dreams of digging up the garden and bothering Farmer McGregor.

    • AJ March 27, 2021 / 10:42 pm

      As my brother said when I told him about my jab, you do have your tinfoil hat so you can’t be tracked right??? I replied I’d put it on when I got home. Such a good shot of pretty Vera. Hope she enjoys the outdoors and roaming in the grass.

    • dubravkamcvmd March 28, 2021 / 9:59 am

      That is a great picture. You can’t help but try to imagine what she’s thinking while looking out at the garden. I hope she enjoys her outing.

    • Emsthemonster March 28, 2021 / 10:44 am

      What a shiny bunny!

  8. Murray C. March 28, 2021 / 2:38 pm

    I don’t think I mentioned this here, but my vet told me that, especially after your second jab, drink lots of water and it can help alleviate the symptoms that often accompany the second one. It’s anecdotal, so no guarantees, but couldn’t hoit! Also, if you hear that taking Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen is a good idea, don’t. A doctor friend of mine says that it lowers your immune response and we don’t want that, now, do we!!!

    My only fear about letting a rabbit outside was being attacked by mosquitoes or other nasty beasties. Last time I did take a bun outside he had a mosquito on his ear within seconds. A gentle breeze from a fan would help keep them at bay. But you let Ani out and had no difficulties? I’m probably just a Nervous Nelly.

    • allein 🐾 March 28, 2021 / 3:38 pm

      I’ve been following a thread about covid on another forum and a couple people there said they were told not to take anything before getting the shot, but it was okay to take something after (one said to wait until at least 8 hours after).

      I think I’d err on the side of not taking anything unless I’m really miserable later.

      • Murray C. March 28, 2021 / 4:28 pm

        I feel the same – if it takes two weeks to be fully effective I wouldn’t want anything interfering!

    • Not That Mike The Other Mike March 28, 2021 / 4:25 pm

      In the time that Ani was with me I went from hovering over her every minute she was outdoors to letting her go outside for as long as she liked.

      But Vera is different. She is smaller and more shy, so I think she’s going to be more of an indoor rabbit. But I will watch her reactions to her first time outdoors to see if we can do more.

      • Murray C. March 28, 2021 / 4:29 pm

        You’re a good Bun-Dad, Mike.

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