Easter Bunnet

Although keeping their balance was difficult and movement was next to impossible, Enid and Deirdre were certain that their unusual idea would win first prize at next week’s Easter bonnet contest.

I hope they take turns being the “bonnet,” Murray C.

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13 thoughts on “Easter Bunnet

  1. allein ๐Ÿพ March 28, 2021 / 8:22 am

    In your Easter bunnet with all the furs upun it
    You’ll be the grandest fella in the Easter Parade

  2. Luv Bunny March 28, 2021 / 8:27 am

    Oh my gosh, open that door and let those two precious cuties in. How could one resist, unless they arenโ€™t yours. Even then, Iโ€™d have to step out and try to interact with them. Funny how the little one is sitting on the calm and patient other bun.

  3. AJ March 28, 2021 / 8:45 am

    Oh so cute!! Bunny on the bottom is so calm about the situation, wonder if this a regular occurrence. Did anyone else try cleaning the speck of dirt off their computer screen before realizing it was in the video???

    • Luv Bunny March 28, 2021 / 9:56 am

      Almost fooled me too. I still want to pet those cute bunnies.

    • Debg March 28, 2021 / 11:24 am

      Yes, I tried to clean off the dirt.

    • JenDeyan March 28, 2021 / 1:14 pm

      I knew that I couldn’t clean it off but I really wanted to…

      • 6rabbits March 28, 2021 / 3:21 pm

        Same here!

      • Debg March 28, 2021 / 3:56 pm

        I knew it was probably in the video but still tried to clean it off, just in case.

  4. Georgiana March 28, 2021 / 9:23 am

    Little one is just trying to keep big sister’s ears warm.

    And A.J. I almost did try to wipe the speck of dirt of my screen LOL!

  5. dubravkamcvmd March 28, 2021 / 9:55 am

    I really need to know the back story. Those two have an amazing relationship.

  6. Debg March 28, 2021 / 11:25 am

    If we get just one more on here, we can reach the doorknob!

    • 6rabbits March 28, 2021 / 3:23 pm

      It really does look like they are making themselves taller to be seen above the window bottom! Under bunny is very patient!

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