Links: Poppins, Party of Four, Right This Way

Penguins in restaurant, rescued gosling, dog and cat rescue, fox in pub, and hug your stuffie!

And finally: Come to Me, My Stuffie

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12 thoughts on “Links: Poppins, Party of Four, Right This Way

  1. Debg April 2, 2021 / 9:24 am

    Such a happy puppers, getting his stuffie back. Saving other linkies for later.

    Thanks to all who sent good wishes yesterday, after my vaccination. Feeling much better–not 100%, but maybe 90%–after a lot of sleep yesterday. Seriously, lay in some bland food for the days you get your jabs. Nausea is on the list of possible side effects.

    And seriously, the jab itself is over before you know it. Didn’t mean to add to people’s fears about the shot. I’ve had more difficult blood draws.

    • allein 🐾 April 2, 2021 / 10:02 am

      Aw, can I hug pupper while he hugs his stuffie? Hugception!

      Glad you’re feeling better, Deb!

    • Dulcie April 2, 2021 / 11:23 am

      Glad you’re feeling better. Good advice. I will get my tapioca and cream of wheat ready. And eggs for scrambling. Probably will have to forego chocolate even though it is my ultimate comfort food. 😜

    • AJ April 2, 2021 / 1:07 pm

      Good to hear you’re feeling better. Didn’t have to much problem with the first jab so fingers crossed my second next week will go just as smoothly.

    • Emsthemonster April 2, 2021 / 1:53 pm

      I’m glad to hear you feel better.

  2. dubravkamcvmd April 2, 2021 / 10:13 am

    Outrageous!!! Why, why didn’t those penguins receive seafood at the seafood restaurant???
    Waddles story is so touching.

  3. Georgiana April 2, 2021 / 11:12 am

    I would loose my mind if a fox would come up to me for cuddles!! Is it a pet of someone in the neighbourhood? I tried to find more information but came up empty.

    The closest I came to something like that was while I was having lunch at a table in a park, I felt something delicately pawing at my leg . I looked down and it was a groundhog begging for french fries which of course I gave him.

  4. Duckie πŸ₯ April 2, 2021 / 11:28 am

    Mike, this is a rare collection you have assembled today. Thank you.

  5. 6rabbits April 2, 2021 / 11:46 am

    Puppy with stuffie is so sweet!β™₯️
    Loved the penguin story! They just seem to take everything in stride.πŸ˜„
    The gosling and fox stories are precious. I’ve seen other fox encounters on YouTube, but that is just too much! I wonder if he visits all the time? Or wants to be taken home? That’s on my bucket list, to be approached by a wild animal who wants my pets!

  6. AJ April 2, 2021 / 1:18 pm

    Sweet links today. Glad there wasn’t anyone in the restaurant when the penguins came in, I’d swear off three-martini lunches if I saw them. Here’s to Dwight finding the perfect home. Waddles reminds me of that movie Fly Away Home, especially when he’s trying to teach her to fly. Kinda sad she was only able to fly a little time before the accident, at least she’s got a devoted human to help her live her best life. Doggy and their stuffie – can we all just say awwwwww.

  7. Debg April 2, 2021 / 3:05 pm

    Dwight the cat has such a sweet smile. My feral Scorpius now enjoys brushing (when he’s in the mood) and definitely appreciates petpets, but he still won’t turn in his feral card.

  8. Debg April 2, 2021 / 9:20 pm

    I will go to bars–after the second vaccine–if a fox will come sit with me.

    Oh, Waddles! You and your dad have the best relationship.

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