I dance for you the dance of my people — the fascinating Ferret Fandango. It is furtive and fast, with flipping and flopping and fancy footwork. Follow my fleet feet furiously flying in frenzied fashion, back and forth in a flash! Finally, I flee! Farewell!
Fantastic, Murray C.
This reminds me of Ozzie’s War Dance. 😺
Yes! I love Ozzie!
Ozzie fan here!
I wish I could bottle that energy, I’d make a fortune!
I am now dizzy AND tired after watching that energetic performance. And such a beauty! A friend used to keep ferrets, I think he had 4 at one time including the white one we got him for Christmas. She just loved flinging herself out of her cage door and she always expected someone would be there to catch her. It was pretty funny after awhile, almost like a game, we’d be there visiting and out the corner of someone’s eye we’d see her ready to launch and one of us would lunge to grab her.
Ferret fandango; flipping and flopping; furtive. Love all the “f” words!
Guess it was too difficult to find enough :”S” or “St” words to describe the dancing of a stoat?
What an energetic little stoat!
It does make me wish I had ferrets again or at least knew someone with ferrets that I could go visit.
I love when his front half changes direction and his butt whips around. He’s like a very excited tube sock.
“So long, farewell, I fleetly flee, I flyy!”
That’s exactly what I thought!