Pregnant cat hides out, dog graduation photo, custom cat bedroom, police rabbit, and Fiona catches raindrops
And finally: Raindrops Keep Falling in My Mouth
AJ shares a video of Fiona doing the thing she loves most.
AJ shares a video of Fiona doing the thing she loves most.
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Ceiling cat and her babies are fabulous! I’m glad everybody is safe and happy now.
Police bun is gorgeous.
Fiona–everything she does is joyous. I luv her so much.
I love their names!
Ceiling cat’s foster mom is pretty impressive- ripping open a wall in her living room to save one of the kittens! I guess what else could she do, but still, wow.
Fiona continues to be astonishingly cute – opening her mouth to catch rain drops !?!?!?!
If a cat had kittens in my ceiling and wall, I’d have kittens, too! 🙂
Speaking of kittens, I just returned from an “emergency” visit at my downstairs neighbour. She had a tiny baby squirrel trapped in her sub-ground level deck, and wanted me to get it out. I had a quick chat with the fuzzy pest, dropped a blanket on it, bundled the blanket VERY CAREFULLY and placed it on the grass. Then I slowly unwrapped the bundle and suddenly, squirrel! It gave me the sharp side of its tiny tongue for a few seconds, and then took off in two different directions. I picked up the blanket, went back inside, and discovered the ungrateful rodent had pooped on my foot!
Thank you Duckie for helping out and that’s gratitude for you.
Great work! You’ve improved the universe!
As the saying goes, no good deed goes unpunished! Unless being pooped on by a squirrel is good luck?
You’re a good person, Duckie.
To be fair,
if I were frightened out of my mind being screamed at by a crazy giant .in a weird enclosed place and then have a gi-normous blanket dropped down on me before being hustled somewhere else and then being dumped outside where I scramble for cover, I might leave something on your shoe too.
I wouldn’t want to be around when that moth comes in for a landing, talk about something out of a sci fi movie. And I think the family that did the dog grad pic have just a little too much invested in said dog. Still very cute but yikes, that’s somewhat over the top. Lady ripping out walls and ceiling to get to kittens, better you than me but thank you for getting them all out. This coming from the person who partially ripped up a deck at my rental house to get out Bam Bam. At least it was her own place. I would definitely figure out some crimes just to get arrested by Officer Bun Bun.
Maybe it can star in the Godzilla vs King Kong sequel.
Mothra from Down Undra
A rabbit joins the police force? Its like a live action Zootopia but more adorable