Catnip Fever!

The Kittisaurus Cats Get Baked

The cats of Kittisaurus are living the high life when their mom throws them a catnip party — and not just a dime bag from the pet store, but with an entire box of crinkly, crunchy, crazy-fying whole leaf catnip!

The party was such a hit that mom decided to do throw them an even more lavish party!

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5 thoughts on “Catnip Fever!

  1. allein 🐾 May 12, 2021 / 3:39 pm

    This woman might be insane but I love her.

  2. Elaine C Williamson May 12, 2021 / 5:35 pm

    Most of my cats have had no interest in catnip. The one I have now can take it or leave it but I have known some to go completely berserk. 🤣

    • allein 🐾 May 12, 2021 / 6:17 pm

      I was cat sitting for a friend a few years ago and one day when I went to feed her I found a little baggie of catnip, with some spilled out, on the kitchen floor. I had no idea where it came from, because it was definitely not on the counter or anywhere that I could see in the previous days I had been there. I texted him a picture and told him he might need to have a chat with her. He said it was in the cabinet.

  3. Kar May 12, 2021 / 7:22 pm

    That red cat was totally bogarting the ‘nip.

  4. dubravkamcvmd May 12, 2021 / 10:15 pm

    People look stupid loaded. Cats, of course, look hot.

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