7 thoughts on “What a Poser

  1. allein 🐾 June 23, 2021 / 12:38 pm

    I’d approach you. (To scritch, of course.)

  2. AJ June 23, 2021 / 1:13 pm


  3. Ricky & Bibi's Mom June 23, 2021 / 1:30 pm

    It’s perfect, sweetie.

  4. Georgiana June 23, 2021 / 2:49 pm

  5. Murray C. June 23, 2021 / 3:05 pm

    At least (s)he’s not a poseur.

  6. Debg June 23, 2021 / 3:21 pm

    Have to try that heads-up tilt myself–it will reduce the neck flab and wrinkles, right?

  7. Hilda Kauffman June 23, 2021 / 5:56 pm

    If I had a white stripe like that, I’d show it off too.

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