Otter Comedy

It’s another action-packed day of fun and frolic for Kotaro and Hana, the otters who live in a house. First, Kotaro is foiled by a wrapper that won’t release that final snack, and then time for a spirited game of chase-the-snake. Later, the pair consider a career in politics with a “free salmon” platform before jumping in the pool. Finally, after a squeak-filled dinner, it’s time for bed.

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8 thoughts on “Otter Comedy

  1. allein 🐾 June 28, 2021 / 3:36 pm

    In the thumbnail picture it looks like he has a question. I will do my best to answer.

    (I hope it’s “can we snuggle” because the answer is yes, please.)

  2. Dulcie June 28, 2021 / 4:18 pm

    Such sweet wriggling and slithering. 💕

  3. Murray C. June 28, 2021 / 4:31 pm

    Anyone know the backstory of why these two are living a domesticated life? Seems a pity, though obviously they’re well cared for. I hope more people don’t get the idea that this is a good idea to have otters for pets. They are adorable!!!

      • dubravkamcvmd June 28, 2021 / 5:04 pm

        Definitely doesn’t sound like a good idea. The otters in the video seem very high strung. I can’t imagine how you could go out and leave them alone.

    • Ricky & Bibi's Mom June 28, 2021 / 5:04 pm

      Apparently it’s legal in Japan, or was as of 2019. These two otters are clearly loved, but there’s a lot of ugliness behind keeping otters as pets. A basic web search will steer you to more info.

      • AJ June 28, 2021 / 7:25 pm

        From other info I’ve seen on the web, the import of these animals was banned in mid-2019. Of course, that doesn’t mean diddly to anyone who really wants one as there’s a big illegal pet import trade that covers the world. Ya got the money, ya really truly can’t live without such and such animal, ya can find someone to sell ya one. I find that so so sad, that animals have become just another commodity to too many people. I’ll get off my soapbox now or I’ll be writing a dissertation on this.

  4. Debg June 28, 2021 / 9:07 pm

    These two are beyond adorable, and their dad seems to take good care of them. But I agree with everyone else–not good to keep wild critters as pets.

    Back in the 70s or 80s, Japan went through a raccoon-as-pet phase. People imported these non-native critters and then discovered that they’re not good pets. The raccoons just got released, where they increased their numbers and basically took over a lot of temples. They’re destroying the buildings because there are no natural predators for them in Japan.

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